Quick Thoughts from PPIV


Black Belt in Sarcasm
May 2, 2002
Visit site
Rather than a review, I thought I'd post some general ramblings.

(On a note of frustration, I had just typed two pages for this post, so now I am doing it AGAIN).

* I thought Circle II Circle was the best band of the weekend, as far as crowd response, energy, and performance. Nightwish was a close second, and I'd say Nightwish was the most anticipated. C2C was just amazing. It might have had something to do with the Savatage songs, too. Judging from that crowd response, I will join with Nightmare1z in saying: "Savatage, PPV, hint hint". I know that they are an established band that tours regularly, but they would be a huge draw. Plus, Jon Oliva already knows how to find the place.

* Speaking of Jon Oliva, I thought it was really cool he was there. However, I find this hard to say, but I think his voice is just completely shot. I've been hearing for years that he can still sing the way he used to, but just not as often. However, the last few Sav concerts haven't shown this. Saturday's Gutter Ballet duet really highlighted the difference between Zak's powerful voice and Oliva's. Sad, but true.

* There were no disappointing bands this year. They ranged from good to incredible.

* Secret Sphere took Gamma Ray's lead from PPIII and did their own Spinal Tap impression. Coming out in spandex and waving flags, they looked a bit like a parody. They were pretty good, although the lead singer was trying way to hard with crowd encouragement. Where last year, Edguy's Sammat performed the same interaction in a playful manner, it seemed like SS vocalist Romano Messina was begging the audience for a response ("How many you are? How many you are?"), or mad that there wasn't more enthusiasm ("We come all the way from Italy"). Perhaps it was just the language barrier. I do give them points for trying, and I did like the songs.

* Circle II Circle started 12 minutes EARLY, and played until the last possible moment. They played 9 of their 10 new songs, and five Savatage songs. They must have really wanted to put on a great show, if they were able to get on in less than 20 minutes after Secret Sphere. Awesome.

* In contrast, Rage did not go on until almost 12 am. That was a bit long for the last band of the night, after 7 hours. I am sure they lost some people waiting around for them. (I have no idea whey they were delayed though).

* Rather than an insult, that last complaint should be taken as a complement to how well things move at ProgPower. To be annoyed that a band took 50 minutes to get onstage means that I am spoiled, since I have waited much longer in the past at other shows.

* I like to pick the best vocals from PP, but this year is tough. Tarja of Nightwish was simply amazing, outstanding, unbelievable - pick one. Russell Allen of Symphony X sound great. I could almost believe I was hearing an album rather than live vocals, it was so well done. Zak Stevens sounded like he never left. He probably had the most powerful vocals of the weekend, not counting a certain operatic performance. I'll wimp out a bit and say that Tarja wins for best female vocals, and other two tie for best make vocals.

* The Nightwish setlist did have a few holes in it. I would have liked a few more songs from Oceanborn. OTOH, I thought the Symphony X setlist was outstanding. Playing the Odyssey was a great encore.

* Nightwish did a cover of Crazy Train, and Circle II Circle did the 'Labyrinths' lead in to 'Follow Me'. Hearing those songs performed by two excellent guitarists made me realize yet again just how great Randy Rhodes and Criss Oliva were. LaPointe's tribute was a nice touch.

* Evergrey's vocals sounded better on the slow parts of their songs. The vocals were a little hard to hear during the fast parts. Still a great band, though.

* I have been to a LOT of concerts in my life, and a number of festivals. Earthlink Live is one of the best venues, when you take into account the view from the seats, and the ability to easily watch from the floor or seats. On top of that, ProgPower is by far the best run concert, let alone festival, I have ever attended. Minor glitches will always be present, but things are so smooth and so well done, that it is easy to see how much work goes into it.

Great job, Glenn, and thanks for all of the work!
