Hail Ultimate Metal Forum!


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2012

If many of you want to know more about me since I just signed up and posted my first post of questions about amplifiers (tricky things, I tell ye!) I'll be more than happy to tell you.

I'm a Metal Musician (I hate the terms "rocker", "rockstar", or "Metal Head".) I'm interested more into the Death Metal and Melodic Death Metal bands such as Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus, Kataklysm, Into Eternity (their from my home province), Kalmah, Children of Bodom, Havok (the band that had a song on Bodom's EP or whatever, they did (Repent) whore), Skyfire, Machine Head, and Lamb of God.

I have 4 years progressed into my guitar proficiency. (I'm rubbish, but meh, first 2 years were years of no influence)

That's all!