Hails from Aussie land lml

Hey People,
Just thought I'd introduce myself here on the forum of one of my guitar heroes lml.:headbang:
I'm Zak from Adelaide, Australia. I practise guitar anywhere between 6-12 hours aday...Some days 17 lol.:OMG:
I am studying on my own at the moment as my ex-guitar teacher is now in prison on 6 counts of rape which sucks. I am looking forward to Steve's lessons because I reckon he is the best teacher a student could have (no, I genuinly believe it).
My influences are- Jason Becker, Jeff Loomis (met him last sunday lml), Steve Smyth, Corey Grieve, Richie Kotzen, Darren McLennan and Graham Greene...Oh, did I mention Jason Becker? lol. If you know me, you'd know that I can rave on till tomorrow about Jason Becker.
Hope to have some great convos with you guys and to share practising tips and to basically have a good time.
Anyways, if you're on myspace, check my profile out, add me if ya want and we'll get chattin'.
Peace to y'z and SHRED TILL YER DEAD
PS Check out the blog on Nevermore's show from Sunday with heaps of pics and 2 live videos of Jeff Loomis ripping up lml...Hope you like them
Zakatron said:
Hey People,
Just thought I'd introduce myself here on the forum of one of my guitar heroes lml.:headbang:
I'm Zak from Adelaide, Australia. I practise guitar anywhere between 6-12 hours aday...Some days 17 lol.:OMG:
I am studying on my own at the moment as my ex-guitar teacher is now in prison on 6 counts of rape which sucks. I am looking forward to Steve's lessons because I reckon he is the best teacher a student could have (no, I genuinly believe it).
My influences are- Jason Becker, Jeff Loomis (met him last sunday lml), Steve Smyth, Corey Grieve, Richie Kotzen, Darren McLennan and Graham Greene...Oh, did I mention Jason Becker? lol. If you know me, you'd know that I can rave on till tomorrow about Jason Becker.
Hope to have some great convos with you guys and to share practising tips and to basically have a good time.
Anyways, if you're on myspace, check my profile out, add me if ya want and we'll get chattin'.
Peace to y'z and SHRED TILL YER DEAD
PS Check out the blog on Nevermore's show from Sunday with heaps of pics and 2 live videos of Jeff Loomis ripping up lml...Hope you like them
Hey Zak! Welcome to the forum man! Very honored and humbled to be one of your heroes man!We're getting ready to do those lessons pretty soon, so stay tuned!
Hope you'll join us on the next Forum Solo Contest!
Thanks for the welcome... Yeah, I have recieved a myspace message from you a while ago, about a week after you published your first statement... I don't expect people to remember everything they read lol... You must recieve a million messages a day.
I am keeping my eye out for the lessons and can't wait to get cracking at them... Like I told ya in the first message, I'm using your GW Columns and the guest column you did for Guitar One as studies atm (The G1 lesson is EXCELLENT, I won't let anyoe touch that magazine lol).
Thanks heaps for the welcome again, look forward to learning from one of my heros.
PS Your work with Dragonlord proves to the world that you are a genius on the instrument lml
Zakatron said:
Thanks for the welcome... Yeah, I have recieved a myspace message from you a while ago, about a week after you published your first statement... I don't expect people to remember everything they read lol... You must recieve a million messages a day.
I am keeping my eye out for the lessons and can't wait to get cracking at them... Like I told ya in the first message, I'm using your GW Columns and the guest column you did for Guitar One as studies atm (The G1 lesson is EXCELLENT, I won't let anyoe touch that magazine lol).
Thanks heaps for the welcome again, look forward to learning from one of my heros.
PS Your work with Dragonlord proves to the world that you are a genius on the instrument lml
Awe, man, you're making me blush over here!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Right on, Zak, keep an eye out. Geting The EssenEss Project album to completion is what I'm doing right now, and am definitely setting the start date for lessons at November 14th. More details to follow.
Steve Smyth said:
Awe, man, you're making me blush over here!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Right on, Zak, keep an eye out. Geting The EssenEss Project album to completion is what I'm doing right now, and am definitely setting the start date for lessons at November 14th. More details to follow.
Hell Yeah, how could I forget the Esseness Project...I remember listening to the clip of "Just When You Think" for the first time...Man, I was in EUPHORIA... Man, I can't wait to hear the full version....BTW, just about to put that solo on my list on the "favourite solos" topic.
PS When I saw Nevermore on Sunday, when it came to the first solo of "Final Product", I could've sworn it was you playing...Chris nailed it on the head