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Long hair looks metal and all, but it's really too much of a pain in the ass to deal with.
It is discrimination, but it's not illegal. If you are coming to them to sell yourself to them and they don't like what you have to sell, it is WELL within their rights not to hire you. It's not so much discrimination as it is a misconception. Do you think they'd hire some rap punk with diamonds in his teeth, cap turned sideways and trousers below his ass? Of course not. It's all about presenting a professional image, and that image is up to the company to decide. Now, after you're hired and sign a contract of some sort, as long as there are no grooming regulations or anything like that, they can't fire you from your job if you grow your hair while you've been hired.

If you want a high-profile type job, get a haircut. If you want to work in a lower-profile or self-employed job, then by all means you can grow your hair to your asscheeks if you want. There's a difference between working for a consulting firm and working in a cd shop or music store.

Europe typically doesn't have this problem, though...USUALLY. They see it as if you are well-dressed and presentable, if you have your hair in a ponytail or fashionably long, as long as you have credentials you're ok. I wouldn't hire someone who looked like Rob Zombie if I were a boss in a high-level job...but someone like Warrel Dane or John Petrucci or someone like that wouldn't even become an issue. It's not the fact that you have long hair; it's the fact of what you do with the rest of your look because they really don't care how you dress day to day or what you look like. They feel that if you don't have pride in yourself and your own appearance and show up to a job interview looking all scuzzy, then what does that say about you? That's your first impression? They could give a rat's ass about what you look like or how long your hair is...if you take pride in yourself and pride in presenting yourself in a professional manner, then there's no problem.
Worrying about how long or short your hair is is both narcissistic and gay. This isn't the 80's. If you have it, sling it. If not, don't. It's that fucking simple.

Go tell Mohammed of Necrophagist that he's not metal because he has short hair...and wait for the spiked mace up your ass.
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Actually, I am self employed. Doesn't mean I can leave my hair long.
If I have to go to a meeting, I can get away with going in a pair of jeans (although it depends on who I am meeting with, I do have to wear a suit or at least dress/casual sometimes). But they wouldn't listen to a word I say if I had long hair.
Granted, my hair is very thick and really looks unkept when it gets long. I look more like a serial killer than a metalhead, which is another reason I don't grow my hair out.

I don't think it is narcissistic or gay to worry about your hair. The way someone's hair looks makes or breaks them. You could wear a certain ensemble, everything goes well together, clothes look clean, no wrinkles, but you have a shitty haircut, you will not look good at all. Or you could dress like a bum but have a nice haircut, you won't look like a bum.
It also has a lot to do with facial hair. A lot of people tend to neglect that.
I don't think your "metalness" should be rated on your hair at all.
Actually, I am self employed. Doesn't mean I can leave my hair long.
If I have to go to a meeting, I can get away with going in a pair of jeans (although it depends on who I am meeting with, I do have to wear a suit or at least dress/casual sometimes). But they wouldn't listen to a word I say if I had long hair.
Granted, my hair is very thick and really looks unkept when it gets long. I look more like a serial killer than a metalhead, which is another reason I don't grow my hair out.

I don't think it is narcissistic or gay to worry about your hair. The way someone's hair looks makes or breaks them. You could wear a certain ensemble, everything goes well together, clothes look clean, no wrinkles, but you have a shitty haircut, you will not look good at all. Or you could dress like a bum but have a nice haircut, you won't look like a bum.
It also has a lot to do with facial hair. A lot of people tend to neglect that.

I meant that people who base their opinions on being a metalhead or not whether their hair is long or not is narcissistic...not in general. For jobs, this is a whole different story.

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