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I have long hair and I don't like it when people call me a metalhead. Although, I do fit all of the stereotypes of a metalhead, so I can understand it and deal with it, but it's definitely annoying to get generalized like that. I've had long hair for pretty much as long as I can remember. I started growing it out at 14. I'm 27 now. It's pretty much safe to say I've lived my whole life with it (or least from the point I realized there was more to life than what existed in my neighborhood), so I think I don't notice a lot of the discrimination that other guys with long hair talk about.

I don't feel like I've ever been denied a job, been considered a thief in a store, or accused of being a lazy drug addict or any of that shit because of my hair. Maybe I have and just never noticed it. But I've realized that as easy as it is for people to discriminate against something so trivial as hair, it's even easier to prove those people wrong by the way you present yourself to them. Having long hair is a good way for people to remember you. If you don't treat people with respect, they'll remember you as the asshole with long hair. If you treat them nicely, they'll remember you as that surprisingly nice guy with the long hair.

I get more compliments than bad comments about my hair, especially from women. Women LOVE my hair and usually aren't afraid to tell me. In fact, thinking about it right now... I can't remember anyone ever telling me anything negative about my hair. I'm constantly encouraged to never cut it, and I think if I did, I would really regret it.

I have an awesome job in an office amongst people that wear suits and ties and nice formal businesswear every day, yet I keep my hair down and wear whatever I want and it's perfectly ok. Nobody thinks of me any differently because of this.

My whole life I've always tried to prove that what's on the outside of a person doesn't necessarily reflect what's on the inside, and I think so far I've done a pretty damned good job of it. There's nothing more rewarding than holding the door to a store open for someone that would never expect me to do it. The happily suprised look on their face and tone in their when they say "Oh, thank you" is priceless.

Bottom line is I think what's on the inside is what matters most, and anyone who knows that should know how to express it. A clean, happy soul will always outshine appearance.
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and for the record... haircuts are fucking wimpy! Grow that shit out and don't feel bad about it!
Down with Haircuts.

I've had my hair long since I was 11/12. I've never even considered cutting it off once. Cutting your hair for jobs, women, etc. is LAME. Like kevin said, grow that shit out.
people at school bitch about my hair being long and sometimes some chicks that are popular give me wierd looks for my hair. By some chance i befriended one of them towards the end of last year and she told me that my hair doesn't make me look very friendly and nice and she told me that she found me nice and friendly, and that she might like me very much if i would cut my hair. I told her, that i think that she is a nice girl too, but my hair is part of who i am and cutting it is not negociable. i explained her, that it would be like taking something away from me, like cutting one of my fingers (she knew i played guitar) and we laughed. she thought for a moment and told me, that she is sorry and she won't do it. i asked her why, and she was like, because she would basically be kicked out of her popular girls group if she would go out with me. since then we just say hi to each other when we cross paths on the school hall. the chick is very hot. she told me a few days ago that she liked me sticking to my principles last year. maybe it is a sign that she changed her mind. if i would date her even for a day it would be the best slap in the face for the pussy wiped popular man whores at school
I had hair down to my waist, before a house fire took it. Now I'm fighting off hair cancer. Good news is, theres not much hair left for the cancer to eat. At least it hasn't spread to my back.
I think everyone misses the point.

Wear it how you like it, long, short, totally shaven - who cares. Haircuts aren't wimpy unless for the wrong reasons and long hair denotes nothing but long hair, hardly qualifies as a statement towards ones lazy and useless persona. christ.
people at school bitch about my hair being long and sometimes some chicks that are popular give me wierd looks for my hair. By some chance i befriended one of them towards the end of last year and she told me that my hair doesn't make me look very friendly and nice and she told me that she found me nice and friendly, and that she might like me very much if i would cut my hair. I told her, that i think that she is a nice girl too, but my hair is part of who i am and cutting it is not negociable. i explained her, that it would be like taking something away from me, like cutting one of my fingers (she knew i played guitar) and we laughed. she thought for a moment and told me, that she is sorry and she won't do it. i asked her why, and she was like, because she would basically be kicked out of her popular girls group if she would go out with me. since then we just say hi to each other when we cross paths on the school hall. the chick is very hot. she told me a few days ago that she liked me sticking to my principles last year. maybe it is a sign that she changed her mind. if i would date her even for a day it would be the best slap in the face for the pussy wiped popular man whores at school

She sounds like a cunt.
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Every person I tell about my balding tells me to cut it short. I HATED it short. What the fuck is wrong with all of you? I looked terrible. Not that I look much better now, but its slightly improved.
I personally LOVE long hair, but if you cut it for your own reasons, not because you were forced to than I have no problem with the hair cut.

I think it's stupid that having long hair can prevent you from getting a job or that corporations will expect you to cut it, but that's the ignorance of corporation talking. You can have long hair and still look put together and professional. Long haired men in suits is so hot!!
I looooooove long hair, so normally I'd say: "haircuts are whimpy" but as you grow up
you realize that some people look better with them.

When people go from long hair to this kind of haircut, that's HOT:
How do you call it? It's not really short, not really long:


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