Haji's Music Videos?


New Metal Member
Feb 5, 2006
Does Haji have any Music Videos? If not, you guys should.

If I was some big label guy, I would sign you guys, buy the rights of your first album from Shrapnel and re-release it nationwide and I bet it would sell well.

I also would re-release SuckerPunch CD with bonus tracks like Notch, Day After Day, Lost, etc.

I would also make Lost, Day After Day and Notch singles and would even pay for the music videos to be made. I assure you that they would be on MTV, Fuse and Much Music daily.

YOu guys would get platinum albums that you rightfully deserve.

But, that is just a dream and I am just a Haji fan boy. (sigh)
Sucker punch the album, Notch, Day After Day, Lost and many others are so much better than othe rbands we see getting famous today.... :( groups like Godsmack :ill: and some others dont even deserve the fame that they get...

my taste in music ranges from Elvis to DevilDriver and I still gotta say that Haji is the best! No jokes! :heh:
I dunno, I like Godsmack, especially their 1st CD.

Anyway, Derek. Were any music videos ever made of Haji?
anyway Derek, you said that the forums are gonna be gone after some time, but whatever you guys do.....please dont close down the Haji web site.... :( keep the memory alive mate.
SylentEcho said:
anyway Derek, you said that the forums are gonna be gone after some time, but whatever you guys do.....please dont close down the Haji web site.... :( keep the memory alive mate.

It's not solely up to me.. one of the other guys might choose to pay the $20/month hosting fee, but I don't really see the sense of it. That's why I put up the myspace page.... ya gotta love FREE!
you mean only you have been paying for this the whole freakin time??? ..... where are the others? & Ive also noticed that you are the only band member active here./....

:( why not move the site to freewebs or something?....lol..anythings better than nothing.
Eddie paid for the site for a long time, but I took it over when his financial troubles kicked in about a year or two ago. Eddie is pretty much too busy for anything non-Cheyenne related these days, and I'm not sure what Rob's excuse is.

I do have some live video, but it's all the old Eddie Ellis-era stuff, and most of the quality is shite.
why not upload them to youtube?, I mean whats the harm? :P

btw myspace embeded videos will only make the quality worse..
DO you know what the songs Day After Day, Lost and Notch are about?

I need to know because I am thinking of what would the music videos for those songs would be like like: setting, story, characters, location, etc.

Although I think that If I was a Label Guy, I would get all of Haji together for a big show at some pretty known place to perform and get a buncha professional cameramen to record the shows at different angles and stuff.

Kinda like what Pantera did with their music videos that they did from a show like Cowboys from hell and Walk.