Hallo everybody!

Mad Dog

Mar 3, 2003
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Maybe this is a bit late, but better late than never, right? I’ve been watching this forum for quite some time now but hesitated to join. Until yesterday! Or was it the day before? Anyway, I have this funny feeling that UM is different from the other forums I know. People there are way to touchy and most discussions end like this: “You are gay.” – “No, YOU are gay.” I haven’t seen anything like this here, so I thought I could give it a try.
About me: I was born and raised in the southern part of Germany. Just an average childhood, I guess. Then in 1988 at the age of 12 I was introduced to AC/DC, Bonfire and Kiss and I knew that my life would never be the same. Soon I picked up my first Metallica-, Sodom- and Slayer-albums. Next thing I know is that I had become a fanatic collector of everything under the big umbrella of the heavier section of rock music. Today, my musical taste is pretty diverse. I listen to almost everything from Hard Rock to Heavy Metal to the really extreme Death- & Black Metal stuff. There are even some AOR albums and a few movie scores in my collection. I got flamed for this everywhere so far but I still don’t give a damn. I appreciate Bon Jovi’s Slippery When Wet as much as I do Maiden’s Number Of The Beast or Dissection’s Storm Of The Light’s Bane. That’s the way I am and I won’t change because of some narrow-minded Black Metal-kid. So bite me if you don’t agree, haha. :p