Hallowed Be JonnyD's Band


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
:) I'v finally made a very small technical leap lol I have uploaded a 2 song Medley on soundclick.com its just Bass and drums and both are brand spanking new so they need some serious Ironing out lol but I'm just curious as to what yall will think of em :D heres the link http://www.soundclick.com/bands/9/hallowed.htm

Please Give it a whirl it will make my day thanks :headbang:

I know :Spam: :Spam: :Spam: :Spam: :Spam: :Spam: :D
You are most welcome JonnyD :)

I'll check the new ones out later :) I won't forget ya :) I'm on my old computer right now and it tends to freeze up if I ask too much of the poor old thing :lol:
Greeno said:
"Mind Twister" kicks ass!!! Get a guitar player and get into the studio NOW!!

Thanks Greeno .... I tell ya what we are gonna hit the studio even if I have to play the guitar parts myself I will Keep you updated :) Thanks again man I really apreceate it :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
delize said:
I like "Medley(Demo)" best. Played it over and over :)

Awsome!!!! :D I am going to be posting a few more a nice tender Ballad :p and another new one called Judgement in Hell Plus I am going to post 2 songs from my ollllllld bands One for EFN and one for Lycanthropy just for some nice Historical purposes Thanks again D! your fucking awsome :headbang: :worship: :D
BTW JD, I will probably bring a small rig with me to Porg Power. I am shopping for a new multi-effect pedal and the two I am considering both have guitar and bass amp and cab simulators so I will probably bring a full range speaker and a power amp as opposed to a guitar amp and bring my bass, acoustic and electric. I think out of the "gang" I will be hanging around with, there is one other bassist and one other guitarist in the bunch as well as plenty of listeners.

JonnyD said:
:D Will do its gonna be a bit though..... Thank you so much for taking the time to listen your opinion means alot!!!!!!!!
Ha ha ha I'm not a music guru dude, just an old guy with lots of experience.

If I get some time maybe I could work up some guitar licks to go with the parts that fit my style.

Sounds cool dude! Definitely got the foundations of some great songs there, get some guitars & vocals recorded! Can't wait to hear 'em with some guitars! :headbang:
Bryant said:
Ha ha ha I'm not a music guru dude, just an old guy with lots of experience.

If I get some time maybe I could work up some guitar licks to go with the parts that fit my style.


:D Bryant I would love it if you did that I'v been wanting to hear you play for a long time and I would give you credit for your work too!!!
Wicked Child said:
Yeh, they kick ass. I like them lots. Just needs a little cleaning up and of course....guitars and vox....and it'll be even better! I can't wait!

Thanks Nick as with Bryant your opinion means a hell of alot too :headbang: :worship:

I still like what you said the other night when you heard the Medley.... how did you put it? "powerpop thrash" I had never heard us described quite like that :D
Trixxi Trash said:
Sounds cool dude! Definitely got the foundations of some great songs there, get some guitars & vocals recorded! Can't wait to hear 'em with some guitars! :headbang:

Awsome Thanks for the Listen Trixx!!! it means alot! :headbang: You guys are my Guinie pigs lol Nobody's opinions mean more than the Boys in Old School!!!
You guys are the fucking Best!!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: