Halloween 2009!!!

euh why? :confused: do i need to? are drow a trademark? I don't think you can copyright an entire fantasy race... trolls, orks, elves, faeries, hobbits, goblins arent, and drow are? :ill: i cannot imagine why it would be...

there are hundreds of them walking around at such a fair! :) People LARP them too, just as trolls, orks, faeries etc. They usually dress in a costume they made yourself (or had it made), and paint their skin black, grey, blue, green etc.

Well, I was being partially sarcastic. Drow are trademarked by Wizards of the Coast. See, drow elves are actually the creation of TSR and the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons. My joke was sort of in reference to the SRD, which was a group of rules that basically reserve certain things that WotC sees as "product identity" that game designers can't use. Drow, beholders, and mind flayers are all part of that.

Order of the Stick has made jokes to that effect as well. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0032.html One of my personal favorites, actually. "We're magical knights!"
yes i thought so already, i guess this is the reason why we will probably never see any movies or tv series about drow, and the games they appear in are also very limited... Hell, WotC even refuse to use drow and illithids in their own other product, Magic the Gathering, what we fans have been begging for for ages! :erk:
but anyway, if you look on deviantart for ex. you will get thousands hits for "drow", and technically everything what's there is even for sale
*Elvina: Yesss, the make up stayed during the whole night, I guess I used a loooot :p hehe... Your pics are great, you look cool & original!!!
*Alteredmindeath: : )
*NovembersDirge: Are you coming to Månegarm-Thyrfing-Skyforger??? Hope so! Matte & I come, oh, only 3 days for the show, yeahhh :P
i went with some friends to see a concert which took place in a sort of social club mixed with a black metal circle... really weird :goggly:
some friends of mine played there, they have a band called Nocratai, which is a noise/industrial/black metal band.....it's has been an hallucinanting night, full of alcohol and madness, but i had a great time. they projected a film on the wall, with swedish subtitles, which i discovered later, it was an old mute swedish film called Häxan, really scaring and interesting :)