Halloween 2011

Dressing up as Tom G. Warrior tonight. Got the black clothes and blazer, inverted cross necklace, black magic marker round my eyes, and that silly black beanie. May have pics later. I'll probably ask a friend to put apply her eye liner on me.

Like this, basically.

Sweet! I bet you'll make that work really well.

I went out last night, and I'm going out again tonight. My friend's Ricky costume came out really well


and I broke my China girl dress so I had to go as a Japanese person instead

I hate most store bought costumes. People need to get fucking creative, and go wild. This is especially true when you are dirt poor like I am. Total cost of both of these costumes combined = $4. Fuck Yes

I finished my other costume a few hours ago, so here are some pics.

Armor! 001 by Abnegātus, on Flickr

Armor! 002 by Abnegātus, on Flickr

And of course, the chalk board mask I created.

Halloween test 003 by Abnegātus, on Flickr
my girlfriend and I at the Long Beach Zombie Walk last night:


There were thousands of people there. It was absolutely chaotic. We walked 20 minutes with her friends down to the walk, did the walk, went and had a beer at a bar, then walked back to her friends' apartment. We all stuffed into my car, and I drove everyone to this party which ended up being pretty cool. Danced with my girlfriend for the first time, and the first time in quite a few years. Didn't get to bed til 3am...it had been a while since I've done that. Had a good time even though I was the designated driver
That looks fun unknown. Dancing is always a good time.

Pessimism, Zeph...those are BADASS costumes. I wore the same thing Saturday as Friday.
