Oh yes, it's that time of year once again. The time where Evil is escorted from everyone's bones, bringing out the side of them that most of us prefer. Darkness Grows eariler, Cold fronts tumble their way through the warm Mists, and the Winter Depression occurs. This is the day where I become who I am inside. Either a Mobster Evil Clown, 500 year old Wizard, an Arisen Death Knight, or even a vampire; no matter what is it; it will be my only day in the year, to be me.
I take this moment to Glorify all whom enjoy this holiday with me, at least we have this to be thankful for. With most said and done this leaves me with 4 questions/requests from you all.
1) What are you doing for Halloween? Dont be too old to do anything and enjoy your youth if your young.
2) What will you be for Halloween? A face full of blood is better than nothen, and the mall is one place to hangout, Six Flags is another.
3) Post some Links to some Truely Scary Halloween Favor Music.
4) Don't Drink and Drive, Just pass out in the car. 15-25 Years of involuntary man-slaughter isn't the way your Halloween should end up. Please dont Drink and Drive, but defiantly get wasted.

I take this moment to Glorify all whom enjoy this holiday with me, at least we have this to be thankful for. With most said and done this leaves me with 4 questions/requests from you all.
1) What are you doing for Halloween? Dont be too old to do anything and enjoy your youth if your young.
2) What will you be for Halloween? A face full of blood is better than nothen, and the mall is one place to hangout, Six Flags is another.
3) Post some Links to some Truely Scary Halloween Favor Music.
4) Don't Drink and Drive, Just pass out in the car. 15-25 Years of involuntary man-slaughter isn't the way your Halloween should end up. Please dont Drink and Drive, but defiantly get wasted.