Halloween?-Off Topic


The Devil Wears Maiden
Apr 18, 2004
Well, Halloween is my favorite Holiday ever... and I know quite a few people enjoy the whole spirit and festivities of this Day! The getting together with friends and just being silly, the costumes...the candy (insert drool) etc. It would be nice for people to share what they did for Halloween, if they got dressed up etc... I also know that in other Countries this Holiday is celebrated differently, I would also like to know about this! So please do share! :grin:

Personally I had a party to go to Saturday (celebrated the birthday of one of my best friends) and we had a blast! Quite a few of us dressed up... I was the Devil, the birthday girl was a sexy sergeant :Spin: we had a dead pirate, school girl, a prisoner and many others! Yesterday I went to a friend's house... a lot of trick o'treaters go through that neighborhood so it was cool to get to see all the nice costumes! There were a few funny moments when some of the kids got really scared as my friend's husband had dressed up as a radioactive rat and it was just hideous and very convincing! :tickled: At any rate, I enjoyed this holiday to the max :)
Pabla said:
was the Devil, the birthday girl was a sexy sergeant :Spin: we had a dead pirate, school girl, a prisoner and many others!
No nurses or nuns? Anyway, there's a website with pictures?

*what a horny bastard I am*
We took the baby out to the neighbors' to trick or treat and then handed out candy ourselves. Our baby loved seeing all those costumes and trick or treaters! (She's only 15 months) But then we did the most important thing of all....our Halloween tradition! We do this every year without fail....we bake some brownies, turn off the lights, take the phone off the hook, and watch ITS THE GREAT PUMPKIN CHARLIE BROWN!!!!!!!!!
I took my son trick-or-treating. The first one he actually was able to pick-out his costume, he's 2 1/2. He was Captain Feathersword!! The look on his face when he would get some candy was the best thing I could have asked for!
My Halloween was pretty shitty. I was supposed to go see a movie and later on go drinking with some friends, but they never showed up. They said they'd call when they were ready to go, to give me a heads up that they were on their way here, and i never got that call. So, i called one of their houses, they were gone. Call his cell phone, no answer. I talked to one of them today, and it did happen, just no one bothered to call me, even though they said they would. So, i was home all night, sitting on my ass watching E! True Hollywood Stories, horro movies on TV and wrestling DVDs and tapes all night by myself.

And the thing that REALLY pissed me off was that I cancelled two other plans just for those fucknuts i call friends, because i haven't seen some of them in awhile, thanks to school. I could've gone to a party, i could've had a blind date............I could've seen what the girl i like(see the "Quite Possibly The Most Off-Topic Topic in UM History" thread for the whole story) was up to, and maybe do something with her. But noooo, i chose my "good" friends.
2:22 am 11-2-04

I had a good time last night. Went to a party at a friend's house.
Wyvern said:
No nurses or nuns? Anyway, there's a website with pictures?

*what a horny bastard I am*

:lol: I agree with the statement about your person :p
Nah, no websites and the such ;)
sixxswine said:
I was set to see the Iron Maidens, but my kids fell ill & wan't able to make it.
Luckily I didn't buy the tickets in advance or that truely would have been a wash...
Do you have any pictures of your Halloween event?!

Bah! That's sucky :erk: I hope next Halloween is better for you and the fam... I specially feel bad for your kids since it's such a neat time for them!

I took some pics, but I don't dare post them :grin:
baldyboy said:
that sounds like a great halloween event pabla
we played a few gigs over the halloween weekend,with a costumy feel on the whole-that was cool.
my kids love halloween-so much free chocolate.

It truly was! :) Cool to hear about the gigs, those are always nice around the holidays :rock:
:dopey: not only kids love the free chocolate and goodies, I have been stuffing myself with so much candy lately I fear I might become a giant pimple! :OMG:
@ wicked child: That's really messed up! I would be in a "rage" mode if any of my friends would do such a thing! Actually, people who do that that sort of crap are not really "friends", sometimes you learn about these things the hard way, sorry you had such a fun evening totally ruined by it :erk:

And to the rest glad to hear all went well on all Hallows Eve :heh:
You can trick or treat in Alaska?

yeah! it was a bit cold, even snowed a little, but still a lot of fun.
Pabla said:
Well, Halloween is my favorite Holiday ever... and I know quite a few people enjoy the whole spirit and festivities of this Day! The getting together with friends and just being silly, the costumes...the candy (insert drool) etc. It would be nice for people to share what they did for Halloween, if they got dressed up etc... I also know that in other Countries this Holiday is celebrated differently, I would also like to know about this! So please do share! :grin:

Personally I had a party to go to Saturday (celebrated the birthday of one of my best friends) and we had a blast! Quite a few of us dressed up... I was the Devil, the birthday girl was a sexy sergeant :Spin: we had a dead pirate, school girl, a prisoner and many others! Yesterday I went to a friend's house... a lot of trick o'treaters go through that neighborhood so it was cool to get to see all the nice costumes! There were a few funny moments when some of the kids got really scared as my friend's husband had dressed up as a radioactive rat and it was just hideous and very convincing! :tickled: At any rate, I enjoyed this holiday to the max :)

Hi Pabla
It certainley sounds like you had a good time. We carved out a pumpkin and ate hotdogs, pumpkin pie and drank sparkling red wine.
Halloween is taken from the celtic festival samhain which is the celtic new year and people use to light bonfires around this time (hence bonfire night making an appearance 5 days after halloween) to symbolise the clearing away of all the sorrows and dissapointments of the old year and also to celebrate all the joys and successes. It was a time for cleansing and clearing the way for the new year ahead. Hope this has helped

crystal dawn

Halloween is not much celebrated in S.A., unless you feel like trick or treating with a 45 and a tourchlight. But, I've been luckey enough to be in Johannesburg during that week and I stayed on especially for the Halloween bash at my favouritte metal club "The Doors" I't rocked even though they promoted the new Marilyn Manson album, I went as "the Crow", well crow wannabe :loco: