
First time trick or treating? Your childhood sucked! Have fun though.

I already celebrated Halloween by playing my first show with my new band at a sweet costume party (We dressed as Yngwie, John Bonham, Robert Plant, Hendrix, Cliff Burton, and Spock - it was sweet). Then shortly after that I stopped remembering the night.

Probly just a little partying around the dorm for actual Halloween night though - this is the best holiday ever.
OfSinsAndShred said:
First time trick or treating? Your childhood sucked! Have fun though.

I was never allowed to go. I don't really feel as if I'm missing out on much, my mom bought me enough sweets so I wouldn't have to leave home and beg people for any. :p

It's not real trick or treating either, I said it in last year's Halloween thread where in the dorms here, the freshmen buy candy and decorate the halls with a theme while the upperclass go trick or treating. Due to lack of imagination/motivation/desire to waste money on a costume, I'll be dressing up as a lunch lady.

Happy Birthday, Thraxz!!!
In Denmark we don't celebrate Halloween. Some few people do by lighting a pumpkin outside their door. it's maybe 0,2% of the population are doing that. Personally I actually don't then it's halloween, and i don't celebrate it.
I'm planning on dressing up with the rest of my band as the 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse and ride around leaving Famine, War, Death and Pestilence in my wake. So If anybody in New York sees 4 Spectral Horsemen riding around with guitars riding around destroying everything in their paths, guess who.
Pharoah said:
Well, my son just left to see Nevermore, Opeth, and Into Eternity in Philadelphia......he will be having a great halloween night.
And I have to work. :yuk:

I was at that show last night, and I must say it was incredible. :rock:

Sore neck = mission accomplished. :p
same here I worked, had to make 360 pizzas in the morning and well at night I worked some more...I managed to get home in time to hand our some candy to some wittle kiddies, I also decided 2 pop in the hillariously old film Spaceballz... Good laughs guys, good laughs! At the same time I sat back and had a few shots of Vodka, all in all good night! Only funny thing that happened where this girls came to the door in their late teen's.. Before I gave em candy they asked if Iw anted them to sing a song, Than I repiled "Sure if you dance 2!" So they took the candy and left lol, me rather disapointed went back to watching spaceballs lol
I spent my morning getting kicked in the legs at kickboxing practice nearly 400 times. Yeouch.
My afternoon went along with a costume thing. I went as pretty much, a geek(not that too far from reality) with a paper bag on the head that said "XD" (y'know,that emoticon that denotes splitting laughter).