
my company decided to have our annual inventory ON Halloween, cause its not like the old people have kids to take out, or the young people wanna go party. fucking cocksuckers. so if i actually make it out in time to go to a party, i'll probably be going as a tired and disgruntled slave to the man who needs to get drunk.
I'm doing peter pan, and a very short girl from work is doing Tinkerbell. Pictures to follow I'm sure.

I don't think I'm going to do my gothic hooker costume this year because I will probably be staying home due to class the following day (fucking 6 days a week shit!). Which sucks because I already bought the stilettos for the fucking costume.

Oh well, I suppose there is always next year (or I could skip Saturday's class) but next year, I'm thinking about being Pyramid Head.
It's fucking awesome dude!

I was checking out gamestop.com on Friday to see what games for the PS3 went down in price when I found out that SH5 came out on the 1st. I went and bought it the moment I found out about it. I haven't had TOO much time to play it though; I'm still pretty early in the game. I did though, see Pyramid Head's first appearance. Fucking brutal!