Hammer Festival


in the soil beneath
Nov 17, 2004
Austin, Texas
I really can't see or understand how KORN is still popular enough to be the main attraction. Do people, specifically metal heads in Europe give a fuck about this shitty band? I thought there first 3 albums rocked out, but that was when I was 13-16 years old, now I can't stand one of their songs.
Korn is amoung those bands like Slipknot, and Avenged Sevenfold where tto alot of people they are like pot. They are like a gateway into being a real metal fan, then after a year you usually stop listening to them. And Korn will always be that band that got people into metal, and even though they suck to the extreme people will always see they as that band that got them into metal, even though they pretty much are a terrible band.
Fear Factory, Alice in Chains, TOOL, NIN were the heavier stuff I listened to when i was 14-18 and I still listen to them, but that's what started it
^metallicas saint anger and system of a downs toxicity were those albums for me

System of a down is still bad ass. lol

But for me it was Static-x, honestly I loved them till I realized a few months ago I just never listen to them anymore. I have listened to them for 11 years so it was hard to realize it really. I still love what they did for me and furthering my love for metal music. But I just find myself moving on from them, sad...but people move on.
Fear Factory, Alice in Chains, TOOL, NIN were the heavier stuff I listened to when i was 14-18 and I still listen to them, but that's what started it

Tool, NIN got me into music, and they're still remain my favorites to this very day. Korn on the other hand was purely a product of the time with no real lasting appeal for most. They still sell out huge venues, but they're not in arena territory anymore. The reason they still have a die hard fan base at all is because white trash still exists, and they cling to a time where they were once cool. By looking at history you can clearly see that fads, and music styles come back into fashion. Luckily I think nu metal will stay dead. Now hopefully all this core business can die, and the kiddies will finally realize what dopes they're. Although I've been saying the same thing since 2003 ...
Korn is actually from my hometown... Anyways, I started off with Disturbed, Tool, Korn, and SOAD. I still listen to Disturbed and Tool, but for the most part have moved on to better things. You can't completely forget your past and where you came from. lol
System of a down is still bad ass. lol

But for me it was Static-x, honestly I loved them till I realized a few months ago I just never listen to them anymore. I have listened to them for 11 years so it was hard to realize it really. I still love what they did for me and furthering my love for metal music. But I just find myself moving on from them, sad...but people move on.

haha yeah i was just getting into metal when i heard them, toxicity is probably the most ambitious nu metal album ever :lol:

same with me and saint anger, metallica is my favorite band (for the nostalgia) and i tried to go back to it, but its just too terrible an album
Tool, NIN got me into music, and they're still remain my favorites to this very day. Korn on the other hand was purely a product of the time with no real lasting appeal for most. They still sell out huge venues, but they're not in arena territory anymore. The reason they still have a die hard fan base at all is because white trash still exists, and they cling to a time where they were once cool. By looking at history you can clearly see that fads, and music styles come back into fashion. Luckily I think nu metal will stay dead. Now hopefully all this core business can die, and the kiddies will finally realize what dopes they're. Although I've been saying the same thing since 2003 ...

You know what you're right about the white trash thing, that's really funny because I'm from a small town in Oklahoma and a lot of my friends still like bands like Korn and Disturbed a lot. I'm with you on the core shit, I'm ready for bands like HateBreed and Flaw and whoever else to kill themselves and rid us of their burden upon society.

Speaking of Nu-Metal, I myself don't label deftones as NU-Metal but a lot of people and rock mags do, so has anyone heard their new album, my God its horrible and I love the deftones....it blows my mind how its seen as their best album as of yet and the album of the year so far, I was really hoping for something better with them.
ive heard such good things but i have such low expectations

good call on the white trash thing Bluesky, i see the same thing in my town (i live in a small rural province, so theres a lot of white trash around). the only group that probably has worse fans is slayer

slayer are an awesome band with mostly terrible fans :lol:, mostly white trash or those jacked up ufc wannabe's. i like ufc from time to time, but im talking about the brand of people i guess you could call them...
I'll admit it. I still sort of like korn. I have about 10 of their songs on my ipod and i still listen to about 3 of them on a regular basis. I really don't see why they're so big though. Sure, they brought metal to the masses in the 90s, but they should have faded away by now. I live in a small rural province too, and it isn't korn or slayer that's an issue. It's AC fucking DC. ACDC fans are everywhere and they think they're the shit. I wish their only talented member, the guitar player would just die already so they'd have nothing left.
I'll admit it. I still sort of like korn. I have about 10 of their songs on my ipod and i still listen to about 3 of them on a regular basis. I really don't see why they're so big though. Sure, they brought metal to the masses in the 90s, but they should have faded away by now. I live in a small rural province too, and it isn't korn or slayer that's an issue. It's AC fucking DC. ACDC fans are everywhere and they think they're the shit. I wish their only talented member, the guitar player would just die already so they'd have nothing left.

aww man nova scotia no way! im in new brunswick, and yeah here too its like if you dont like acdc than GTFO, but thats more old guys here

theyre good, but not the best, thier drummer could stand to learn another drum beat...
System of a down is still bad ass. lol

But for me it was Static-x, honestly I loved them till I realized a few months ago I just never listen to them anymore. I have listened to them for 11 years so it was hard to realize it really. I still love what they did for me and furthering my love for metal music. But I just find myself moving on from them, sad...but people move on.

System of a Down is definitely the best Nu-Metal band out there, if you can even call them nu metal. Their music is unique and very experimental. Although they have a mainstream appeal, I look past that simply because their music is good.