"Hammered at Xmas" London gig ?!


New Metal Member
Oct 8, 2004
Just browsing TicketMaster.co.uk, and saw the following :

"Hammered at Xmas - Arch Enemy, The Haunted, Dark Tranquility"

But I can't find any mention of it on any of the bands sites! Anyone know anything about this ?
HOLY SHIT!!! That's the best line up ever to hit the UK. Haunted, I've already seen twice, and both times they slayed!!! Arch Enemy were awesome last year but Angela had voice problems so it was a strongly instrumental set. I hope DT are headlining this one, god damn. :kickass: :grin: Century media's best bands in one gig *awe stricken* :notworthy:
HUH *pelvic thrust*

By which I mean, splendid news. *thumbs up* Gav, I take it you'll be going to this? :p
Confusion amounts as my friend tells me he's going to see Lacuna coil, Chimaira, Caliban and Inflames at a gig in london called 'Hammered at Xmas'. Is this the same gig? WTF? Its going to be awesome if Inflames and Lacuna coil are there too. Anyone know anything yet... like if this is all one big gig? *heart above average BPM*
No it's not the same gig:

Date 12.27.2004
Venue Carling Apollo Hammersmith - London - UK

Line Up

In Flames
Lacuna Coil

Notes Special 1 off show sponsored by Metal Hammer.

1 more band to be announced

Edit: taken from the official Chimaira site
Oh well. I can always catch Chimaira again in the U.S. and I'm sure Arch Enemy, DT, and In Flames will come by this side of the world again soon at some point..

I suppose you Europeans can rejoice at the thought of my (and Nick's) staying away for a while longer..
Our time will surely come, though :heh:

(Thank you for the info)