Hammerfall - One Crimson Night


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
Nuclear Blast - 2004

By Rodrigo Escandon


After four studio albums, the time felt right for Hammerfall to release a live album. One Crimson Night is that live album and it was recorded in their hometown of Gothenburg, Sweden in front of 4,000 people. This is definitely one of the best live albums of the past year and it should be a definite treat for fans of the band.

First of all, this a 2 CD set filled to the brim with songs from all their albums. There are no complaints about the songs that were chosen for this album. Plus, besides the Gothenburg show there are also 3 songs put at the end of the 2nd CD that were recorded in Mexico and Chile. In all you will hear 19 songs, the intro “Lore of the Arcane”, a bass solo by Magnus Rosen and a guitar solo by Stefan Elmgren for a total of 22 tracks! All the band’s classics are here such as “Glory to the Brave”, “At the End of the Rainbow”, “Heeding the Call” and “Renegade”. Being that this was a tour for Crimson Thunder there are also a few great songs such as “Riders of the Storm” and “Hearts on Fire”.

Second, the crowd reaction and participation is excellent. With any live album I have to be able to hear the crowd but not only during the breaks between songs but also during the songs and that happens quite frequently. A couple of great examples are when the crowd sings along to the choruses of “Let the Hammer Fall” and “Crimson Thunder”, where Joacim (I assume) encouraged the crowd to sing along. That leads me to the one minor negative I have with this album. Since it was recorded in Sweden, Joacim talks exclusively in Swedish, which sucks for me because I don’t understand one word he says, and I really like to hear the singer engage the crowd. But it does not take away from the enjoyment of the album. Anyways, I get to hear him in English in the last 3 songs.

Third, the sound on the entire album is perfect. Every instrument is heard clearly and Joacim sounds excellent and this is true with all the recordings. The Mexico and Chile songs sound just as good as the Gothenburg ones. This is definitely one of the best sounding live albums.

For all Hammerfall fans I highly recommend this release. For those that have seen them live I am sure that it will bring great memories. For those who haven’t (like myself) this should make you feel like you are right there in the show.

Nuclear Blast Website
Hammerfall Official Website