Hammerfall - Threshold


Apr 5, 2003
Hammerfall - Threshold
Nuclear Blast - NB 1752-2 - 10/20/06
By Brandon Strader


Hammerfall has been around for quite a long time and have released a lot of great heavy metal records. Threshold is exactly that, a fantastic heavy metal record that came about surprisingly only a short while after their last release, Chapter V. The title track starts up with some choir vocals, and are eventually joined by some kind of pimped-out keyboard-harpsichord type sound. Then the heavy as heck guitars break in to match the choirs. Great tone, plenty of thickness, though not too harsh on the high end... in other words, perfect. Then the female vocalist breaks in with the brilliant line, 'You are listening to the new Hammerfall album, Threshold'. Ohh, I didn't know that. It's amazing how so many bands are employing female vocalists these days. Soon after the male vocalist enters with his distinct voice that is extremely familiar. If you've heard it once, you will always recognize it. The production is outstanding, and everything works together to make this an album to remember. The guitar work isn't overly technical, but it is good by heavy metal standards. The chorus basically consists or regular powerchords just being played and held out, but the verse presents some tremolo work with the powerchords too. About 3/4 of the way through, there are some clean chords with a solo played overtop which is basically the only time you will experience a real chord on the album.

It's amazing to see how far Hammerfall can stretch such a simple formula for songwriting, heck, Iron Maiden has been doing it for decades. They pull it off pretty well, though, better than most actually. They're definitely not boring, and the vocals (especially the layered ones) are very well done, and a lot of fun. The whole thing they did with the Women's Olympic Team for whatever and redoing their music video for "Hearts On Fire" was incredibly cheesy... actually that act probably sent them over the top making them the cheesiest heavy metal band of all time, however, us mice love cheese, squeak squeak. "The Fire Burns Forever" on one hand is a cheesy heavy metal tune, yet on the other hand it is a headbanging, horn-thrusting, chest-bearing peice of awesome. "Rebel Inside" uses the same kind of heavy progressions as "The Fire Burns Forever" did, yet the vocal melody is different, and the layered vocals are awesome. The song definitely has a classic sound, especially the acoustic introduction. "Natural High" is a faster-paced tune, with plenty of rock 'n' roll progressions, tremolo powerchords, and cool vocal layers and an addictive melody in the chorus. "Dark Wings, Dark Words" has a touching acoustic verse that leads into an emotion-fueled chorus...

Threshold is very enjoyable, yet it may not be so interesting after the third or fourth listen. YEs, the material does get old pretty fast. They need to spice it up a bit next time, play some more solos, and have a lot more keyboard elements. There isn't really anything holding the album back, as the production packs a punch, the melodies are good, and the performances are sexing. I suppose if you want to hear power metal, then that's what you should listen to. Hammerfall will probably continue going down this path that they've been trekking for so long already. The lack of musical evolution really doesn't seem to have affected them at all throughout their careers, and they're doing better than ever, so we've just got to accept them for what they are. Threshold is definitely recommended to fans of heavy metal and leather pants.


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Official Hammerfall Website
Official Nuclear Blast Records Website