Hammerfest review from Powerplay magazine


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
"Ahh, now then. Night had fallen, as had most eyelids, but here we were, quarter to one and awaiting the best international power metal band the continent has to offer and, as usual, they did not disappoint.

And yet, despite being drenched in some fuckwit's smelly beer during their set - why would anyone cause bother during a Power Quest concert? - Steve Williams and his gang of renowned players kicked up a storm with, unfortunately, an identical set to the one they played at last years Hard Rock Hell - with the exception of the fabulous "Magic Never Dies", which this time was the clincher - and the disappearance of US guitarist Bill Hudson meant that frontman Alessio Garavello had to break out the axe, hampering his stage presence but giving songs like "Find my Heaven", "Civilised" and the sublime "Temple of Fire" a kick up the backside.

Another great show by one of the best bands to be spawned on our shores, and, I'm sure many punters will agree, well worth staying up for.

.......Tyr, along with Hammerfall and Power Quest were the highlights of the festival in my humble opinion."