handsome dick and max fuckin johnson come on dowwwn

Thanx, bros!

Unfortunately this has been a pretty shit b-day tbh. I've had an epic bout with kidney stones the past 3 days, and thus had to catch up with a shitload of work today, and on top of that found out i probably have to get invis-align braces or my face will slant and my teeth will chip/break. :( Oh well....

Anyway, I'm gettin HAMMERED tomorrow night! Have a good one, Maxie Pad!!!!! :kickass:
Wow, that's like a nutsack kick leaving the imprint "you're getting older."

Cheers and have a plethora of drinks.
TMJ disorder, I've had it for years. Right jaw pops. I used to wear a night time retainer for it, until I stopped about 2 years ago. shit's starting to get hectic (teeth shifting, bad bite, chin moving leftward), so i guess it's time to do something about it before i spend the rest of my life in excruciating pain (it can also cause tinnitus/deafness). shit's for real, man.