Hannah Montana in an Iron Maiden t-shirt

miley is on track to make a billion by the time she's 18 - i wonder how much harris is worth

Probably more if he'd become a tax exile. He'll likely be be given an OBE some day, and deserves knighthood, if you ask me. His legacy as the founder and leader of one of the greatest metal bands in history is secure.

Miley's is... what again?
Yeah, I know it is old news, but in no way shape or form is Miley Cyrus an Iron Maiden fan.

She is a poser who just happened to be wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt one day just for fashion.

None of her songs even remotely sound like Maiden.

I don't know about "fan", but yes she listens to Maiden. That's cuz her dad listens to maiden.

Don't be fooled by the poppy songs she sings. They're all written for her and its what makes her money.

She did it again (sorry for the Britney reference)


That is not judging. That's a statement of fact.

She even has a YouTube spot where she and a friend were trying to name Iron Maiden songs, and they had to look at cue cards to do it with.

They have no idea what Iron Maiden's songs even are, which means, they don't listen to them whatsoever.

She was just hap-hazardly wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt one day, and everyone thought that she was a die-hard Iron Maiden fan, which she is not.

You don't know what you're talking about.

She said it's her big brother's shirt. He looks like a screamo rocker or something, he could very well be a Maiden fan. A7X are.

So she's at her brother';s house listening to tunes an decides she likes something. "Oh, that's Maiden!" 'Cool! Can I borrow this shirt?'

No one said she was a die-hard fan either, she said she like them. But I'm sure you never, EVEr listened to a new band, lied them, but had to say "What's that song called again?", right?

It's not like she is gonna get crossover appeal for her music with the Maiden crowd. I know lots of girls who like a WIDE range of music, some of it I would never have thought until I noticed it in more and more people.

In reality neither of us know for sure, but I have no problem believing Miley Cyrus could like some Maiden stuff, especially the more melodic stuff with harmonies. Open your mind.
None of her songs even remotely sound like Maiden.

So? :lol: One of my favourite albums is by Depeche Mode (Black Celebration, I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't heard it) but I don't even own a synth... yet. :lol: Personally, I think that if you really love music, you love a variety of it.... And I just replied to a one-year old post huh? :lol:
So? :lol: One of my favourite albums is by Depeche Mode (Black Celebration, I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't heard it) but I don't even own a synth... yet. :lol: Personally, I think that if you really love music, you love a variety of it.... And I just replied to a one-year old post huh? :lol:

I like metal, thrash, punk, Celtic, Motown and classical.
Not to mention early 80's pop.

Guess some people would say i shouldnt wear a metal t-shirt well they can go to hell. I wear what I want and Like.