Happy B-day Hawk !!!!!!!!!


Apr 29, 2004
Wanted to wish Hawk a happy b-day, with his half a century life on this globe...but it seems I'm completely off date, thought it was October 30 :oops:

well, beter late than never I guess .... :headbang:
Happy B-Day Henri
, did I sent you greetings on MySpace?, I can't recall :oops:
Thanks a lot Gert and everyone. I appreciate it. Really. :)

And yes, Wyvern you did send me a birthday greeting on the day. But I was away during that period.

I visit UMOS regularly but hardly have the time to add something useful. Part of it is that I listen to a lot of other music than is discussed here. My favorite albums at the moment are the new live album of Behemoth and the latest Arsis album.

Further I am very busy with writing for Aardschok and other outlets and the Dynamo club. Last weekend I have been Djing en bar tending for 8 hours on Friday and being a DJ for a strait 8 hours on Saturday from 8:00 PM to 4:00 PM. I needed to sleep the whole Sunday to get some energy again.

Perhaps I should post more about what I like. Maybe I have been to modest. who knows? ;)

I'll think about it. And thanks again every one, especially Gert and Rolando. :wave:
Your spankin' is in the mail:lol: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

My dear lady, you are a class act. Do you have my Eindhoven address? If you directed it to my old mail address of Oegstgeest thats fine also. My ex and I are on good terms.

In fact I will be visiting her coming Wednesday to celebrate my birthday.
Thanks again and a BIG hug for you. :headbang:
Perhaps I should post more about what I like. Maybe I have been to modest. who knows? ;)

Yes you should. I know some here specially Gert and I are conservatives towards extreme metal, but UM and others are well open minded and maybe more discussions (ergo more actiivity) can come out of your posts that will be undoubtedly classy ones.
Hawk... Henri (I honestly love your first name, as it was the name of my prized stuffed doll as a child, though his name was spelled Henry.) Happy Birthday my friend !!

Did you get the new Gojira record, Hawk? I think it is my album of the year right now.

I was waiting for someone to mention this album. I think it is killer. I just recently started to like From Mars To Sirius (I know, many here had suggested it a while ago!), and then I found out they were about to release The Way Of All Flesh. I wouldn't say it's my favorite this year, but top 5 for sure!!! SOOO brutally heavy!

Hawk, I too would love to hear what you're listening to!
Yes you should. I know some here specially Gert and I are conservatives towards extreme metal, but UM and others are well open minded and maybe more discussions (ergo more actiivity) can come out of your posts that will be undoubtedly classy ones.

Thanks buddy. When I have a bit more time I will post more. No problem! :)

Did you get the new Gojira record, Hawk? I think it is my album of the year right now.

Yea I did it's great can't wait to see them live once!!

No worries we'll talk metal soon.

I wish you many more Birthdays to come. I really appreciate having you around Hawk. Post more often.


I will. Thanks buddy. Been following you blog. Very well written.

Hawk... Henri (I honestly love your first name, as it was the name of my prized stuffed doll as a child, though his name was spelled Henry.) Happy Birthday my friend !!


Thanks buddy. I am pretty happy with my name as well.

I was waiting for someone to mention this album. I think it is killer. I just recently started to like From Mars To Sirius (I know, many here had suggested it a while ago!), and then I found out they were about to release The Way Of All Flesh. I wouldn't say it's my favorite this year, but top 5 for sure!!! SOOO brutally heavy!

Hawk, I too would love to hear what you're listening to!

Well, the record I listen to the most this year so far is Arsis - We Are The Nightmare. It's not as heavy as their previous albums but its still great.

Been playing the new Satyricon as well. Damn good.

And I discovered the Polish death/black metal band Behemoth!! OMG They are great! Their live album is not released as far as I know but its called 'Live Apostasy' of course their latest album 'The Apostasy' is also damn good.

Another great band I discovered for a while is Novembers Doom. AS fas as I know they are not particulairy heavy even though singer Paul Kuhr has an awesome grunt. Still you can understand very well what he is singing.

Those who are into Necrophagist (Fantastic band!) should try out Vomit The Hate. Weird name I know, but this 'band' consists of one person. An 18 year old guy from Tunesia who does everything, drums, guitars, production, writing the songs. His myspace is here:


The thing is that you can get his album for free! Just contact him and he will tell you where to donwload the album.

Thats it for now. Thanks again everyone for all the birthday wishes and questions!! I will be looking forward to your reactions. But I have to run now!! :)