Happy B-day to zsuzsa

ok, i couldnt resist this one...


and no, its not mine and I didnt write those words on anybodys butt :lol:
OMFG thats so EWWWWWWWW :Puke: :lol:

@Lasse: w00t? :eek: are you threatening me? :grin:

@Yanko: eahuehuahuhuea, my Mom just made a great comment about you LOL I was just browsing some pix and when she saw you she said "I can tell from just looking at his face that he is a sex maniac" :lol: I laughed so hard I couldnt talk for a minute :lol: Btw, she didnt say that in the bad way eahuehuahuheuhauheua
_Zsuzsa_ said:
@Yanko: eahuehuahuhuea, my Mom just made a great comment about you LOL I was just browsing some pix and when she saw you she said "I can tell from just looking at his face that he is a sex maniac"
yeah, thats why his arm is so big..... :lol:j/k
Tut Ankh Amon said:
i mean, she's a fucking genious! :lol:
:p Did you mean:
A. She's a genious (but just had to use the curseword in the middle).


B. She's a genious that fucks (things/people/something).
