Happy Birthday+1, rahvin

@rusty: thanks for caring, and i don't just mean for starting this thread.

@miolo: almost thank you. see ya the morrow.

@tranquillian: *hugs ankles* ;)

@lumi: äääääääääärgh. but you're always so so nice, aren't you? :blush:

@li: you've also been so very kind and the pineapple teddy is a dream come true... but i can't hear your voice! :waah: send me that file over icq or something, please please please. *begs*

@hearse: i want the kiss from you too, you know that.

@king chaos: i'll do my best not to stop here. you stay tuned on the forum to see what happens to my old bones.

@metal17: *has a blast* pick up the pieces now. :p

@fireangel: you seem to always be able to find a positive side in everything. i wish you could back-edit the past ten years of my life. :tickled:

@dim: you've been a birthday stalker and i thank you so much for that. i'm so glad you came back here :)

@thanatos: i wish i could misspell something in your language to make it even, but the gods of grammar hold me back. so do it yourself. :)

@arch: i read "happy birthday and suck" and i was starting to cry. :p

@koich: i wub you because you're slightly scary without actually doing that much. ;)

@mousewings: meep you too, you dear meeping meep!

@didl: my parents were a couple of horny bastards, weren't they? ;) happy bday to you too, finally some wishes i can reciprocate!

@hiljiainen: thanks ,but... on this thread *too*? in addition to which other one? :err: and you should post more. :(

@nl: i like the association: people talk about rahvin --> um must be up again. :p

@hyena: you need not say more, we are truly happy, we are.

@lina: thank you for starting the other thread (yes, now there is another :p), as usual you're beyond belief. :)

@neurotica: you're the edit, hehe. thank you.
@rahvin: check the other forum, on ezboard :) here: http://p217.ezboard.com/fthederefugefrm2.showMessage?topicID=42.topic

i will post, just i'm preparing all the papers for the school exam (i always do everything at the last minute), playing baldur's gate for the second time (yes, this is not something i should do now :p ), and being nervous for the driving exam, which has been postponed a tons of times because too many people have to do it and they don't have much time while "i have still tons of time before my provisory license -or however it's called in english- expires" :bah:
and i'll have to almost leave this place sooner or later anyway :(
now this feels a little like being late to class and trying to sneak in quietly while everyone else is already seated. but anyway, here´s a completely dull and unimaginative:

happy birthday. :wave:
Happy birthday to the man that would be called of average height, if living among the pygmies. :Spin:

fireangel said:
what a tragic, that exactly at your birthday there was no UM!
I smell a suspicious conspiracy here... :hypno:

thanks del (you're never late, but did you do your homework? :p), nick (start saving some money, man), villain, magsec (i'm sleeping better these days :Spin: ), jackhammer and soulburner. i wub you. :)

happy birthday mister!

i know i'm late and i am sorry :cry: