Happy Birthday, Rahvin

Happy birthday, Rahvin!
Not as sweet as you, my little delicious moderator, you.
MagSec4 said:
Il compleanno felice al suo e molto plower di pollo!

i feel much older and wiser now. :hypno: i think you just said something like "the birthday happy to his and much chicken plower".

a sentiment i support in full.

and more thankies to the late congratulators!
@rahvin: Your location says, "almost home". Aren't you home with your girlfriend? :err:
Arch said:
@rahvin: Your location says, "almost home". Aren't you home with your girlfriend? :err:

i haven't moved there yet. i visit often, but i won't be living in the u.s. until the end of the year. that's why it's "almost". stay tuned to see my location field change accordingly to my marital status! ;)

@opi: :wave: thanks.
rahvin said:
i haven't moved there yet. i visit often, but i won't be living in the u.s. until the end of the year. that's why it's "almost". stay tuned to see my location field change accordingly to my marital status! ;)
Ahh. Thanks for the clarification. :cool:
As of late I've been late at everything. :erk:

I really wonder how I manage to waste all of my free time on some trivial things. Twice this year already I've had to "priorize" the people around me by "cutting off" some of the not extremely important ones, both on-line and in real life. I truly hate doing that, and I hope I can find the time to "re-attach" at least some of them in the future, but it might take a while. I would apologize to all of them, but I'd feel myself even worse after that.

Anyways, just in case I won't be in time to wish you happy birthday next year, I'd like to do it in advance: happy 29th brithday, Rahvin! :p

rahvin said:
i was just wondering where you went.

nowhere, really. i've just got myself an apartment but no internet connection yet, and the firewall at work doesn't get along too well with um.