Happy Birthday Anna!

I had just finished writing everyone an individual reply and was about to post it when my computer crashed, and since I'm lazy I won't do it all over again ;)

So I will just say a big thank you to everyone; I'd offer you all what's left of my strawberry birthday cake but I'm afraid it would go all dry and crumbly before it arrived at your homes ;)

Ben, you are an angel :)
(and you will continue to be now that I have Jack's very useful gift, or else... :p)
Better late than never ;) Thanks :grin:

CoT: Varje dag på Systemet? Då antar jag att du bara beundrar flaskorna på passande avstånd, om du förstås inte råkar vara rik som ett troll :grin:
They do :cry: But I am not good like them. I am evil and beyond. Lazy. Terrible!
If I go tack, danke, thanks, gracias, spasibo, merci, grazie, efcharisto, kiitos, takk and arigato, and then you can just pick whichever expression of gratitude that suits you, will that be ok?