hApPy BiRtHdAy, bRaTpRiNcEsS!


Feb 2, 2002
Happy birthday, Heidi! :hotjump: (Her birthday is on Friday the 16th, boys and girls. But I'll be too busy distributing Anthrax posters and stickers.)
Thanks, Tad!
And everybody.

Although, the bottom of the page? What's up with that?? :err:

Johnnie, you know me too well.

And I too received Anthrax in the mail yesterday, but I didn't go through it yet. My husband opened the box and I saw the Anthrax logo everywhere, but I was on my way out and didn't have time to peruse. But I took a 4-day weekend, so I should be able to get a few things done around here.
Happy birthday bRaT.

Btw, that warning e-mail that you sent was a real eye-opener! Had I received it earlier, it might have averted me the "coyote arm" - you know, where the guy's arm is underneath someone's head and he'd rather chew off his arm and take off than wake up the person next to him...
Yeah, mental, where HAVE you been? And I sent that warning because I know how susceptible some of you guys are to the charms of beer.

On my birthday, I got my hair cut, had a yummy lunch, ran some errands, crashed at my mom's for a bit and then had Taco Bell for dinner. Tonight is my big family birthday dinner, and it's going to RULE. Tomorrow will be a lazy Sunday, and then I get to watch 5 kids all day Monday. Oh yeah. Then I go back to work on Tuesday.
I've been places...

You know how the song goes: Summertime, and the living is easy... We've had as nice a summer as we could've wished for up 'ere north and I took advantage of it!

But don't you worry, this board is still my "safe home" .. hehe. I'll post more come winter time. promise!