Happy Birthday Chris


Win without winshit


The fact is that in general Macs are only popular because 1: They are shiny, 2: Artfags <3 them and 3: Famous people <3 them. They are practically novelty, the only significant advantage of having a Mac is Logic, and that only matters if you're a musician, the best CAD software has always been Adobe Photoshop and that runs on both. The whole "omg but Macs navar break!" myth is bullshit too, they can be just as problematic as a PC.

Not to mention you cant upgrade them, if you buy a Mac it will most probably be out of date in a year and you'll have to buy a new one. I've had the same PC for 4 years now, I just have to upgrade the parts if I want to keep up with technology... Oh but of course I forgot, you can hardly play any games on a Mac so you probably don't need to upgrade them anyway.

Windows Vista was a fail yes, but Windows 7 is total fuckwin.