Happy Birthday Chris

Macs themselves arent the problem, its the fucknuggets that worship them as if they were some sort of supercomputers. The most pompous disgusting fags ive met in my life, turned out to be Mac users, every single one of them. coincidence? i think not.

Win without winshit

Macs are for faggots and you didn't even shoop COBOT into that!


^Agreed. And if anything, I'd downgrade it from Vista to XP so there's no shit to worry about.

The fact is that in general Macs are only popular because 1: They are shiny, 2: Artfags <3 them and 3: Famous people <3 them. They are practically novelty, the only significant advantage of having a Mac is Logic, and that only matters if you're a musician, the best CAD software has always been Adobe Photoshop and that runs on both. The whole "omg but Macs navar break!" myth is bullshit too, they can be just as problematic as a PC.

Not to mention you cant upgrade them, if you buy a Mac it will most probably be out of date in a year and you'll have to buy a new one. I've had the same PC for 4 years now, I just have to upgrade the parts if I want to keep up with technology... Oh but of course I forgot, you can hardly play any games on a Mac so you probably don't need to upgrade them anyway.

Windows Vista was a fail yes, but Windows 7 is total fuckwin.

Swabs I worship you:notworthy

Macs themselves arent the problem, its the fucknuggets that worship them as if they were some sort of supercomputers. The most pompous disgusting fags ive met in my life, turned out to be Mac users, every single one of them. coincidence? i think not.

Not to mention you cant upgrade them, if you buy a Mac it will most probably be out of date in a year and you'll have to buy a new one.

This is true. And if i remember right they upgrade the components every 6 months. After New year and in Summer. I did consider a Macbook but I don't think that's a option anymore...I think I can just buy a fucking awesome computer for the money I would get a MacBook.
Macs themselves arent the problem, its the fucknuggets that worship them as if they were some sort of supercomputers. The most pompous disgusting fags ive met in my life, turned out to be Mac users, every single one of them. coincidence? i think not.

Agreed --for the most part. I've also found that every single person I've meet that worships Linux to be acutely irritable.

I have both, coincidentally. I bought a Mac so I could write programs specifically for the "i" market. I use my PC for everything else, though (except for writing music).

Happy Birthday, dude.
You fuckers just don't have one - that's it :P the hype about mac is gay, but this doesn't have anything to do with adoring the look oder what ever.I even didnt want to buy one because i was thinking like you all.But my bro has been using his macbook for 3/4 years now and he just don't need to upgrade it.
and upgrading is for gamer fags. if i want to play a video game i turn on my playstation and not my computer. and for recording music a mac is just better.
I have both : a computer (win xp) and a macbook. and since i got my macbook i've been using my computer just as my stereo because i realised that i like using mac osx more than windows. that's just what i think, but I guess most of the quoted persons have never ever used a mac before. of course there way to expensive. but especially what swabs said was just random bashing which comes from a guy who looks for a mulitmedia gamer pc. that's what a mac is just not made for. if you prefer pcs and windows, go for it, but i realised that I prefer macs.
''The whole "omg but Macs navar break!" myth is bullshit too, they can be just as problematic as a PC." <- it's a myth but it's a fact that my macbook isn't as slow as my computer and doesn't crash as often as my computer (2/1 times since i got it)

If you have never used one before, i can understand you (i thought like this before), but if not and you still don't like it, it's just not what your looking for. I use my macbook for writing and recording music and internet shit and therefore i'm better off with a mac. I just don't understand the way you guys act,it's so retarded :lol: ''lul, mac suckz becuz i can't play wow''

PS:playing games on a console is better than playing games on a computer
Well, it's true that people can't really judge negatively something they don't have and don't know well!

But as for me, I do not own a Mac for a personal choice... and I know how Macs are, I worked a lot using them, and sorry to say but I always found them not that good. I kind of agree with all that Swabs said.

Everyone has his/her taste, of course. :)
You fuckers just don't have one - that's it :P the hype about mac is gay, but this doesn't have anything to do with adoring the look oder what ever.I even didnt want to buy one because i was thinking like you all.But my bro has been using his macbook for 3/4 years now and he just don't need to upgrade it.
and upgrading is for gamer fags. if i want to play a video game i turn on my playstation and not my computer. and for recording music a mac is just better.
I have both : a computer (win xp) and a macbook. and since i got my macbook i've been using my computer just as my stereo because i realised that i like using mac osx more than windows. that's just what i think, but I guess most of the quoted persons have never ever used a mac before. of course there way to expensive. but especially what swabs said was just random bashing which comes from a guy who looks for a mulitmedia gamer pc. that's what a mac is just not made for. if you prefer pcs and windows, go for it, but i realised that I prefer macs.
''The whole "omg but Macs navar break!" myth is bullshit too, they can be just as problematic as a PC." <- it's a myth but it's a fact that my macbook isn't as slow as my computer and doesn't crash as often as my computer (2/1 times since i got it)

If you have never used one before, i can understand you (i thought like this before), but if not and you still don't like it, it's just not what your looking for. I use my macbook for writing and recording music and internet shit and therefore i'm better off with a mac. I just don't understand the way you guys act,it's so retarded :lol: ''lul, mac suckz becuz i can't play wow''

PS:playing games on a console is better than playing games on a computer

As Swabs said, Logic really is the only thing I can think of that should influence your decision on a PC/Mac, and even then, that 'superiority' is based on preference - not Mac being "just better." If you are not spending a significant amount of time programming MIDI/synths, then Pro Tools is the better software to use anyway (audio editing/mixing capabilites).

However, the fact that PCs are less expensive and upgradable are not a matter of preference, unless you for some reason enjoy wasting your money. And console gaming is great and all, but gaming is simply another +1 for PC (regardless of whether or not you care about it).

The way it seems to me is that there ARE definite reasons to use PC over Mac, that you for some reason shove aside (I don't really care what you use, just making a point). But vice versa, there is hardly a reason to use a Mac, other than the fact that "you just prefer it." Also, if your PC is running slow, that is not a fault of the PC, that is a fault of the user.
You fuckers just don't have one

I do *raises hand* (however its dirt old :p, but nevermind)

the hype about mac is gay, but this doesn't have anything to do with adoring the look oder what ever.I even didnt want to buy one because i was thinking like you all.But my bro has been using his macbook for 3/4 years now and he just don't need to upgrade it.

Yes it is gay, and you have to realize that they pump way too much money into the design of the thing, and good for your bro! However some people require a computer that can pump out a bit more than 90% of the macs on the market(not counting the Mac Pro's, those huge ones with the funky hardware(THOUGH i shall note that the hw in those in itself, is outdated now)).

and upgrading is for gamer fags. if i want to play a video game i turn on my playstation and not my computer.

Personal preference! I prefer playing FPS on a computer because i fucking HATE playing FPS on a console, i just cannot stand it. Racing games, fighting games, platform games and adventure is great for a console, i prefer it there even. I grew up with both PC/Amiga and Consoles, theres always been a clear line for me in what i want out of each platform.

Looking at the way VST and VSTi technology(and similar) is going today, even musicians who don't have the money to buy every piece of rack, pedal and amplifier equipment on this planet will have to upgrade sooner or later if they want to have a higher amount of tracks going. Sure you can work around this by rendering constantly and cutting down on CPU and RAM load this way, but then going back and changing something is just gonna be a tremendous boring task. My arguement is that in the priceclass of a average tier MAC vs a PC, you get more bang for the buck. Also i will mention that if you know what you're doing, you can very easilly make a crash free Windows system, i know a lot of people who have it, and i wouldve had it if it werent for my wireless unit, its old and its the weakest link in my system, i know exactly how and why it crashes, something i wouldnt get with a mac.

From my experience with macs(its not that huge, but ive worked with my fair share of them lately), when you get a error message, you pretty much get a "somethings fucked, send it in to fix it" message, if you're lucky you get a "what it is", but only vague and to me; confusing. With windows i get a lot of information about drivers and their state before the crash, this to me, is very helpful in finding out whats wrong and fixing it very fast.

I'm a sort of guy that like to fix things myself, and to me, getting a informative thing like that is worth gold, its not for everyone though, i hear a lot of people who dont know much about computers complain about the amount of complex information Windows spews in your face in the event of a crash. Growing up with computers, i find this a godsend.

and for recording music a mac is just better.

Mmmhm, preference yo. look at the previous answer

I have both : a computer (win xp) and a macbook. and since i got my macbook i've been using my computer just as my stereo because i realised that i like using mac osx more than windows.

Fair enough, its personal preference! I like using windows more than Mac OSX.

that's just what i think, but I guess most of the quoted persons have never ever used a mac before.

*raises hand* :P

of course there way to expensive. but especially what swabs said was just random bashing which comes from a guy who looks for a mulitmedia gamer pc. that's what a mac is just not made for. if you prefer pcs and windows, go for it, but i realised that I prefer macs.

Then we agree?

''The whole "omg but Macs navar break!" myth is bullshit too, they can be just as problematic as a PC." <- it's a myth but it's a fact that my macbook isn't as slow as my computer and doesn't crash as often as my computer (2/1 times since i got it)

Really depends on how you use it and set it up. From my experience, and experience of people that i know closely, if you set up a windows computer properly it'll work just as stable as a MAC, if not better at times. A quick example would be when a mate of mine was at a studio working with his music, his laptop with windows rendered all synths and various effects(at 100% load), while the Mac in the studio(used by the mac loving producer) worked on everything else, and got the equivelent of a bluescreen about twice a day, laptop didnt have any problems. Not saying its always this way, but it's not black and white.

If you have never used one before, i can understand you (i thought like this before), but if not and you still don't like it, it's just not what your looking for. I use my macbook for writing and recording music and internet shit and therefore i'm better off with a mac. I just don't understand the way you guys act,it's so retarded :lol: ''lul, mac suckz becuz i can't play wow''

I act this way because most macfags wont admit that macs have other uses, they just claim that the Mac is VASTLY superior in EVERY way, and that windows users are a bunch of retarded monkeys for using it, then they proceed to claim that they are more intelligent/sophisticated/etc, and talk about the mac as if theyre part of some gay social movement(sorry maddox).

My use for a computer is the same as yours, added gaming and some other stuff, hence a Windows PC is how i roll, and i'm very happy with it. And i have to admit though, i've ruled out getting a mac laptop purely because i can't play games on it(not wow though, fuck that shit :P).

PS:playing games on a console is better than playing games on a computer

Now this.. Shut up :p fuck playing FPS/RTS or anything like that on consoles, its just preposterous and bad. Quicktime events can go to bloody hell.

Both PC gaming and Console Gaming has its uses imho.

In conclusion i'll have to preposterously say that Macs and Windows computers are "even" in terms of what you use it for vs what you want out of it, however i still feel that windows is vastly superior in versatility as a platform, while(to me) macs feels like a Fisher-Price product.

I suppose its all preference and we should all shut up. :p
^ Haha, yes! Sorry, Chris! And I liked how Frank worded his thoughts, because he usually explains very well what he means... but at the same time, some things he says crack me up! In a good way, of course. :)
LOL I don't care. And I may have posted this before, but to clarify, my thoughts on this debate can be expressed nicely with this metaphor:


(tl;dr version starts here)

A more comprehensive response now because I'm bored lol....

I have nothing against Macs or people who use them. When I record stuff at the radio station, I use our ProTools rig that runs on a Mac. I know they are great computers and I don't dislike anyone who owns one. In fact, several members of my family own Macs and swear by them. I say, good for them.

That having been said, I will never buy a Mac for my own personal use. You couldn't even pay me to own one. The only possible way I will ever get a Mac is if I open my own recording studio and need to get a ProTools rig.

For one thing, I hate the Mac interface. Having a one-button mouse is a pain in the ass for someone who is used to being able to right-click on stuff and open menus that way. It slows down my working speed and irritates me. Also, the keyboard with the extra Apple key is fucking retarded when it does exactly the same stuff that the control and alt keys can do on a PC. It's a waste of space and just complicates your shortcut keys.

Secondly, I hate the fact that you can't customize a Mac to fit your needs. If you need more/better hardware for a new program or just want better performance in general, you can't open a Mac up and install new hardware. You have to buy a whole new computer. That is a phenomenal waste of money in my opinion. I would rather just go buy a new sound card, video card, or whatever and install it myself and not have to waste perfectly good computer parts that can still function with my current system.

Third, I can't stand the way Macs try to look artsy, high-class, and/or new age with their designs, icons, and other assorted bullshit. The only people who care about stuff that looks artsy on a computer screen are graphic designers (who aren't looking to their icons for inspiration, I hope) and social-cimbing jackoffs who think that having artsy icons makes them better than others. Said jackoffs can go die in a fire, thanks. No one cares about the icons on your screen.

Fourth, I despise the way that lots of Mac users think that Macs are the be-all and end-all of computers and try to convert everyone they know to using Macs. As I said before, several of my family members own Macs, and many of them act that way. When they do, I tell them to GTFO and that I don't need to hear their shit. What computer I choose to use is none of their business. I don't try to convert them back to using a PC because it's not my business. I really hope anyone on here who uses a Mac doesn't act that way, because you deserve to be punched in the throat for that.

Fifth, and similarly, I abhor the way Apple flaunts their supposed superiority everywhere they go. Those retarded Mac vs. PC commercials got old two years ago, especially the ones talking about how PCs always get viruses and Macs never have any problems. I don't care what supposed advantages Macs have over PCs. PCs have plenty of advantages over Macs too, but their commercials don't make it seem like a fucking beauty pageant. As a side note, what they don't tell you in those commercials is that if your Mac does have a problem, you have to go online and go through seventeen million help tutorials before you can even send them an e-mail regarding your issue. There are no phone numbers to call, and there are no people to guide you through the process of fixing your computer step by step if you need that kind of help. Tell me exactly - what are you supposed to do if the problem with your computer disables your access to the Internet? Then you are forced to massively inconvenience yourself and a friend of yours so you can use their computer to get in touch with Apple and wait for a response. RETARDED.

(tl;dr version ends here)

In conclusion, Mac users, get off your high horse. Your computers are not the electronic Jesus. Go back to the way you were in the 1990's - quiet, unassuming, and humble. The pretentiousness of you and your company was never cool, nor will it ever be cool.