Happy birthday crumbling mirth

You're right, it was old man mcmurphy from the haunted amusement park.

You could tell from the big wet footprints he left in the cellar.

And he would have got away with it if it weren't for you pesky kids sticking your noses in.

Super happy ending was way too bogus! :lol: I wish I didn't have to watch that jerk, what's his face?, walking up the driveway all like he still had that cops hand up his ass 3 times though just to see the real ending! :lol: So, CM, how old are you now?

Yeah...Scooby ending was classic. ;)
haha. indeed. rock on!...or should we say "party on"

got a bit of a soft spot for the whole waynestock concept eh, godisanatheist? :) well, it did provide a damn cool theme for a movie.

that my bloody valentine disc is awesome, btw.
:lol: I just loved the film! And Alice Cooper :grin:

I'm not sure about the my bloody valentine - I really like it, its damn good, but non-musically it just annoys me slightly that it isn't too easy to... get what they're trying to do! I'm thinking guitary pop ATM. But I always find that when I don't know enough about a band :grin: I have to go and research now!
that's the best way to go about it :)
do some research and find out why exactly loveless is considered to be one of the best and most definitive releases of the 90s.