Happy Birthday Daniel!

King Chaos

Pomeo Osoponeor
Mar 19, 2004
Schwedentod, I hope you're having a good time!!! I'd be partying with you if it wasn't for this damn ocean :p ;). Still, Happy Birthday!!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
Although it's a day late coming :blush:

Keep being a top bloke :kickass: and may this year pwn all preceding years :p
Happy birthday!
Thanks a lot everyone!

@KC: Fuck the ocean! *g*

@Taliesin: Töffel?!?

@Thanatos: Tell your dad my greetings!

@Caro: I'm sure I will have a great time there. 3 1/2 weeks till I go for it! You all can visit me if you want to... ;)

@solefald: I'm pretty sure Sweden will be a 5-months-adventure. And less painful? Maybe this is what life is all about, right? Being hurt and learning from this. (hope that I learned my lesson...)
Hey hey, happy birthday to you and to my father-in-law! :p

I hope this year brings you a lot of happiness, many good times, and no more pain!
Hope you had a good time!

sorry for being late, and check your pms from time to time ;)