Happy birthday Janne !

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Im alil late on this but i wish his birthday was on a week end cuz i would have been fucking drunk Janne is my favorite musician. So happy late birthday man. :D
Thanks everybody.
My birthday was as exiting as waking up in the morning going to airport, flying from Tokyo to London(!!!!) and from London to Helsinki. I was at home around midnight. Woooooo!!!!
Well we did hava a nice party last weekend.
Janne Warman said:
Thanks everybody.
My birthday was as exiting as waking up in the morning going to airport, flying from Tokyo to London(!!!!) and from London to Helsinki. I was at home around midnight. Woooooo!!!!
Well we did hava a nice party last weekend.

nice to hear that:)
Janne Warman said:
Thanks everybody.
My birthday was as exiting as waking up in the morning going to airport, flying from Tokyo to London(!!!!) and from London to Helsinki. I was at home around midnight. Woooooo!!!!
Well we did hava a nice party last weekend.

C'mon, we all know there was some hot groupie shmex.
Janne Warman said:
Thanks everybody.
My birthday was as exiting as waking up in the morning going to airport, flying from Tokyo to London(!!!!) and from London to Helsinki. I was at home around midnight. Woooooo!!!!
Well we did hava a nice party last weekend.

Well, it doesn't matter when you celebrated, as long as you got too. :)
Me and a couple of my band mates had a joke going for my birthday they were going to get janne on live streaming web cam and have him sing happy birthday in finnish and play it on the keyboards Haha
A little late man,
But happy Birthday.

Sorry about the scheduled/ busy day you had! :erK:
Going to buy your cd's soon!

Seeing on how busy you are, i don't expect an reply, but anyhow:
Any advice you have on making a nice keyboard solo, or improving your overall ability?
Janne Warman said:
Thanks everybody.
My birthday was as exiting as waking up in the morning going to airport, flying from Tokyo to London(!!!!) and from London to Helsinki. I was at home around midnight. Woooooo!!!!
Well we did hava a nice party last weekend.

holy shit. ja mä luulin ettei se koskaan kerkeä lukea meidän onnitteluja! :)
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