Happy birthday Kat

С днём рождения, блйа =)

That's Russian. Some explicit Russian "Happy Birthday" :D

З днём нараджэньня!

And that's Belarusan.

And Happy birthday, too :) Drink up... up-up-up :D
@plintus: Thanks a lot! :D I work tomorrow morning so the drinking will be on friday night, at my favorite Montreal bar, the Foufounes Electriques. I'll drink a beer in your honor! Cheers!
@Kat: it's ok, don't you worry! teh greek gods will show mercy upon you this time. :p
Kathleen23 said:
@plintus: Thanks a lot! :D I work tomorrow morning so the drinking will be on friday night, at my favorite Montreal bar, the Foufounes Electriques. I'll drink a beer in your honor! Cheers!

Oh, I will be honored :) CHEERZZZZ!!!! :D
plintus said:
i need to work hard for my plane tix :D

It is cheaper in bus, longer but a lot cheaper! :D

Anyway, there will always be beers and place for you here, you are welcome anytime!
Kathleen23 said:
It is cheaper in bus, longer but a lot cheaper! :D

Anyway, there will always be beers and place for you here, you are welcome anytime!

AWESOME!!! :D :kickass:

Will you have a parking space for my bus then?? :Saint:
Dark_Silence said:
:lol: trop fort le nom

C'est un bar rock-metal reconnu depuis plus de 20 ans! :D C'est La Mecque des bars metals au Canada :D Et oui le nom est assez hilarant, mais on s'y fait! Ici on appelle ca tout simplement les "foufs"... " Hey, on sort aux foufs?"

Edit: beer is cheap there