Happy Birthday Manuelgv!!!!

thanx everyone
I didn't celebrate as a finn cause I am not drinking a lot anymore,have been drinking since I was 14 and now it's 7 years now,and we all know 7 is a lucky number so I am slowing down.
The people at my school acted as if nobody knew it was my birthday for like 3 hours and they dragged me to someone's car and they all surprised me with cake and cookies and we had a little "picnic" eating it and all.Then I went to have dinner with my family on this fancy restaurant.
oh yeah,in the afternoon I went to have a big meal with 5 of my friends and we were joking and all and they gave me books as a birthday present so it was all cool.
@thanatos: gracias por el deseo guey,que buen amigo eres,neta que envidia deben tener todos aqui de que eres mi cuate,gracias por tu amistad,brother,hermano

ya mejor jijo del maiz?
violet don't be jealous,you know you can have me too
but Thanny asked first
after I am done with him I am gonna get you baby

i already have love in my life, thanks
anyway, awwww, my first thread ever, and people actually posted in it
im going to do this more often
who's birthday is it next? :p