Happy birthday Maqus!!!!

Hahha, that card-series is just ace, I opened it in the computer lab and it started to play Happy Birthday, and people started to stare at me, oh well :D
Yeah, I can see that but whyyyyyyyy? And why shepards? Did they want to pass as reindeer, like cross-dressers?

Explain please, I'm whyney now.

I'm just playing is Mehdi's part.

Why is it that people aren't afraid of ladybugs? Cause of the fancy dress? How stupid, they're just the same bugs as any other tiny flying bug.
Maqus said:
I'm just playing is Mehdi's part.

Why is it that people aren't afraid of ladybugs? Cause of the fancy dress? How stupid, they're just the same bugs as any other tiny flying bug.
Hmm who's frightened by bugs? Even for kids they always look too interesting to be fearsome. Alright, a swarm of bugs isn't something you want to have around your feet or in your flat, but I think arachnophobia is the real phenomenon on that level.
As a kid I was afraid of bugs and I tell ya a lot of people are afraid of bugs, singles, that is, they don't have to swarm.

I changed cause of the dog, you just get used to getting the ticks out of the bitch, and you start to see sextopodric creatures in a new, more positive light :D
so what did you get Maqus? we want details, every kiss, every smile, every touch and every breakfast on bed
All right, so I got incredible pictures from two friends, 3 txts from my sister, cousin and someone who is listed in my phone as Helga, but that's really fishy, cause the only Helga I know is not supposed to know my birthday and she's not a friend of mine anyway. And the bouquet from my boss, which is getting stinky now :( And he forgot about the cake he promised me on Monday. :/ A couple of flying kisses from colleagues :tickled: No breakfast, in fact I didn't have breakfast that day, I had a very busy day.

I'm going home for the weekend, maybe I'll get something from the family, they never forget about it.

The best was Bastet's present :wave: