Happy Birthday Mikael

waz started a thread about how he called someone that was part of the SotU tour and they told him that opeth's set was only going to be 45 minutes. When that thread got deleted, he made another one....I guess it got deleted b/c we already have a couple SotU threads, but still, I thought that what he said was pretty news-worthy....not to mention interestingly typed.
haggard said:
waz started a thread about how he called someone that was part of the SotU tour and they told him that opeth's set was only going to be 45 minutes. When that thread got deleted, he made another one....I guess it got deleted b/c we already have a couple SotU threads, but still, I thought that what he said was pretty news-worthy....not to mention interestingly typed.

exactly I actually called the agent who bopked teh thing....adn asked her some questions..........how long the set was nad when weyre they playin in Tx....adn all that.....and i posted some of that info....I thought it was usefull too....but appratrently the MODS here didnt wnat me to spoil the fun for the kids who were lookin forward to an actual CONCERT by Opeth.......this tour is more of a 45 min try to showcase oursleves thingie.....I am not going.......jsut thougth Id let ya'all know.......PEAC EOUT
<crimson> said:
WAZ: the untold story of an undercover hispanic spy :lol:

im not hispanic........Im a Pakistani national who was born adn raised in Qatar , currently living in USA ,........get it right boy....!!!!......or I'LL EAT U ALIVE....!!!......"headbangs to Gwar's URE WOMB IS A SEWER".....hahaha.......PEAC EOUT