Happy Birthday Phil! 23!


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Cheers guys - 'twas a good one, Amy bought me Today Is The Day - Sadness Will Prevail, the Indiana Jones Trilogy on DVD and the 3-disc special edition of Gladiator. We also went to see Blood Diamond at the cinema (fuckin' excellent film, although maybe slightly over-long) and went for a meal and some Polish beer afterwards. A good day all round!
Hahahaha im drunk and I still managed to realise that I wrote blood mountain instead of blood diamond yesterday. I'v eben playing this downloadab;e intrenet game callled mujen where any characeter from a 2D fightr can fight any olther chracter and I got my ass kicked by a grey zombie mechanoid Zangief. Whoops more beeer and Logan's playing Lost Planet on the 360. bye!
Phil, could you please reply to this message. If you do, you'll officially be the only Phil I've ever interacted with. This interaction would be even better if you asked me a question of some sort. Thank you and happy birthday.
Phil, could you please reply to this message. If you do, you'll officially be the only Phil I've ever interacted with. This interaction would be even better if you asked me a question of some sort. Thank you and happy birthday.

Okay - when you're banging a chick, do you refer to it as 'doing it DOGGY-style?'

JayKeeley said:
- Dill likes his Metallica baseball cap

Never leave the house without it.

JayKeeley said:
- In his avatar, Dill looks like he's got a mullet

I only wish I was hick-chic enough to sport a mullet.

Dick Sirloin said:
I took Phil 23 last year: Making Sense of Ourselves

Judging by last night's booze-addled post, I could do with going on that course myself.