Happy Birthday, Reign in Acai

Climb Thar Hill

not family oriented
Jan 23, 2006
Tomb of the Giants
Happy Birthday, buddy! :kickass:

Eh thanks. Personally I hate these threads as I'm not one for attention. :oops: I was trying to sleep on this glorius/wretched afternoon. But was awakened by a middle eastern man giving a political survey. After 45 questions of "do you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, strongly oppose", various immigration laws. I have made my way to this blessed forum to see all of your best wishes. Needless to say, there much appreciated. :wave:
Doomcifer said:
Happy bday fucker. Drink a GOOD beer for moi.

I just had 5 or 6 worth. Pretty fucking buzzed as I speak. Split a pitcher of Poppyfield's ale. (This may be the best damn beer I ever have had in my life) Thing is , it only comes in kegs. After that I had a couple St Paul Girl's. Yup a couple brewski's, while watching some boxing down at the local bowling alley as I gazed over inbetween rounds to watch two lesbians in tank tops bowl a 97. Hot ass fucking skanks. I'm buzzed excuse the typos. YAY!