Happy birthday rahve!!! :)

Since I'm not a regular DT board user (and I didn't remember today to be 12th...), I didn't find this thread soon *enough*, but I just LUUVE! rahvin I have to leave a post here to him too...
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday *dear* rahvin!, happy birthday to you

So... what's this kissing habit then? Never heard of that... :grin:
I'll join the chorus:

Happiest bubu to you dearest dwarf!

I'll refrain from kissing your avatar on the screen, but I promise to give the first teddybear I see today a warm hug!

-Villain (preferring hugs over kisses)
Yeah, I know a might be late and stuff... But, whata heck!

Here: *sends Rahve a virtual crate of beer and a bag of wine* Enjoy! And take care, for all it is worth...;)


-phyros ( merchant into the virtual alcoholic buisness )
@dotnoir: thanks for participating, everybody really loves rahvin except for those who've known him. :grin:

@rei toei: you've been so bubu. :)

@villain: thanks for coming. :) one day there will come a time when the 12th of may will be the teddy kissing day all over the world. and it will all be my own doing. hahahahaha! *outburst of satanical laughter* :muahaha:

@jesterofdeath: not original, but heartfelt. :p thanks. :)

@phyros: :eek: you really know how to catch my attention. ;) believe me, with alcohol i always take good care not to waste a single drop. :spin:

rahvin. (now 25 since almost a whole day)
@hearse: thanks, and nevermind if it's late, just keep them coming. ;)

@zeanra: thank you! we might get to know each other better in time if next year you offer a small present too. :grin: :p

Originally posted by Thanatos
and why didn't you say happy birthday to me ? :(
What? You had B-day? When? :confused: Sorry :cry:....I....I...me...:waah: Please forgive me..I don't know how to click that profile...

@rahvin: Oki, I start saving money for it already :grin: unless you want the rest of my ice cream...*hands a messy box with some melted stuff in the bottom of it*
Happy birthday rahvin, i hope it's not too late :spin:

Siren (wanting to be thanked personally too :goggly: :p)
@realhazard: thanx! old bastard's getting older by the minute. :eek:

@humanure: thank you, i'm starting to love thanking ppl. :)

@skald: wow, man, thanks a lot! you can't get your smilies right at first go, but you surely have a keen eye when it comes to evaluating ppl. :p :p :p

@siren: thank you personally. :) you're kind and beautiful and possibly my goddess. now can i have my present? :spin:

rahvin. (merlin's disease)
@rahvin: don't be impatient :rolleyes: everything in its time :p

Edit: actually there _is_ a present in my first post in this thread, not my fault if you didn't open it :p :p :p
Originally posted by rahvin

@skald: wow, man, thanks a lot! you can't get your smilies right at first go, but you surely have a keen eye when it comes to evaluating ppl. :p :p :p

:lol: :lol: and you have a keen eye of noticing people's stupid mistakes!
[respect] - that's true. :p

skaldy boy (a stupid mistake :cry: )