JayKeeley Be still, O wand'rer! Apr 26, 2002 26,184 39 38 54 www.royalcarnage.com May 24, 2003 #1 It's her birthday today.
Erik New Metal Member Oct 10, 2001 16,450 42 0 southernmost voyage May 24, 2003 #2 Yay! Happy birthday!
Nate The Great What would Nathan do? May 10, 2002 7,588 14 38 47 www.ultimatemetal.com May 24, 2003 #3 How old???
MadeInNewJersey nursing my wounds Apr 15, 2002 17,334 3 38 The Ridge www.discogs.com May 25, 2003 #4 Haddsie, you old lady, you! Psst...happy, happy birthday. Have some cake and a cold one on me.
haddsie Member Feb 8, 2003 278 0 16 New York May 25, 2003 #5 awwww.... under all the mullets and corpse paint, you boys are really sweet. Thanks for the b-day wishes! And npearce, I would've thought you knew... you never ask a lady her age. All I will say is that I still get asked for ID when I'm buying beers.
awwww.... under all the mullets and corpse paint, you boys are really sweet. Thanks for the b-day wishes! And npearce, I would've thought you knew... you never ask a lady her age. All I will say is that I still get asked for ID when I'm buying beers.
JayKeeley Be still, O wand'rer! Apr 26, 2002 26,184 39 38 54 www.royalcarnage.com May 25, 2003 #6 Actually, this lady gets carded when buying cigarrettes too!
NAD What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse Jun 5, 2002 38,465 1,171 113 Kandarian Ruins May 26, 2003 #7 Happy birthday, a day late.