Black Core Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather Jan 27, 2006 11,387 17 38 Gierle (Belgium) Jul 5, 2007 #21 France has always been weird, don't take them as an example I think chocolate beer would suck big time. Chocolate liquor however is great
France has always been weird, don't take them as an example I think chocolate beer would suck big time. Chocolate liquor however is great
chris-o-fer twatwaffle Nov 18, 2003 5,021 0 36 44 Your mother Jul 5, 2007 #22 What? Dude two great things... chocolate and Beer... how could it be bad? And yes, all americans know France is weird. We mock them daily.
What? Dude two great things... chocolate and Beer... how could it be bad? And yes, all americans know France is weird. We mock them daily.
Black Core Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather Jan 27, 2006 11,387 17 38 Gierle (Belgium) Jul 5, 2007 #23 I dunno, it just doesn't sound very tasty It's like Ice Cream on your french fries, that doesn't got together either and yet the two seperate are so great
I dunno, it just doesn't sound very tasty It's like Ice Cream on your french fries, that doesn't got together either and yet the two seperate are so great
chris-o-fer twatwaffle Nov 18, 2003 5,021 0 36 44 Your mother Jul 5, 2007 #24 But you also like Indian food, so I can't trust your tasty buds bro And Ice Cream and French Fries, two more awesome things, why not put 'em together! Fuck it!
But you also like Indian food, so I can't trust your tasty buds bro And Ice Cream and French Fries, two more awesome things, why not put 'em together! Fuck it!
Black Core Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather Jan 27, 2006 11,387 17 38 Gierle (Belgium) Jul 5, 2007 #25 I never said I don't like Indian food... French Fries are awesome as long as they are belgian ones (the french know nothing about it and stole the name from us)
I never said I don't like Indian food... French Fries are awesome as long as they are belgian ones (the french know nothing about it and stole the name from us)
chris-o-fer twatwaffle Nov 18, 2003 5,021 0 36 44 Your mother Jul 5, 2007 #26 When I think Belgian, I think waffles.
Black Core Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather Jan 27, 2006 11,387 17 38 Gierle (Belgium) Jul 5, 2007 #27 true, and beer and chocolate or chocolate waffles or waffles with beer but NO CHOCOLATE WITH BEER!
chris-o-fer twatwaffle Nov 18, 2003 5,021 0 36 44 Your mother Jul 5, 2007 #28 Hmm. Chocolate Beer battered Waffles... yummy.
Black Core Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather Jan 27, 2006 11,387 17 38 Gierle (Belgium) Jul 5, 2007 #29 now you're starting to sound a bit piratish *slaps Chris a few times* SNAP OUT OF IT!
chris-o-fer twatwaffle Nov 18, 2003 5,021 0 36 44 Your mother Jul 5, 2007 #30 sAARRRRRRRRRy. Apparently I need to go to bed, I'm getting delusional.
Black Core Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather Jan 27, 2006 11,387 17 38 Gierle (Belgium) Jul 5, 2007 #31 *SLAPS SOME MORE* SNAP OUT OF IT ALREADY there, that should do it. yeah, me too, it's almost 4 am here
*SLAPS SOME MORE* SNAP OUT OF IT ALREADY there, that should do it. yeah, me too, it's almost 4 am here
chris-o-fer twatwaffle Nov 18, 2003 5,021 0 36 44 Your mother Jul 5, 2007 #32 Alrighty man, good yappin as always. get some sleep. Don't suck too much sac getting those zzzzz's (corrupt a wish inside joke for those reading)
Alrighty man, good yappin as always. get some sleep. Don't suck too much sac getting those zzzzz's (corrupt a wish inside joke for those reading)
Black Core Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather Jan 27, 2006 11,387 17 38 Gierle (Belgium) Jul 5, 2007 #33 don't worry I won't use anything sacky I just hope I can get more sleep than I ususally do
chris-o-fer twatwaffle Nov 18, 2003 5,021 0 36 44 Your mother Jul 5, 2007 #34 well good luck mounting, I mean COUNTing sheep dude. Laters.
Black Core Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather Jan 27, 2006 11,387 17 38 Gierle (Belgium) Jul 5, 2007 #35 dude! I'm belgian, I count beers
chris-o-fer twatwaffle Nov 18, 2003 5,021 0 36 44 Your mother Jul 5, 2007 #36 I'm american, I count Queers. Wait a minute....
Black Core Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather Jan 27, 2006 11,387 17 38 Gierle (Belgium) Jul 6, 2007 #37 I think ninjas should count dead pirates they killed
MIMA o_----- Jul 30, 2006 7,256 90 48 36 Jul 6, 2007 #38 Am i late? Anyways happy bday hun :Smokin: We miss you
V Vossyrus Member Apr 25, 2007 2,915 1 36 Canada Jul 7, 2007 #40 Seraphim, weren't you supposed to post some pics a while prove that you're a female. Otherwise how do I know you're not the guy in your avatar. I already told you but when I see your posts I think of that pic
Seraphim, weren't you supposed to post some pics a while prove that you're a female. Otherwise how do I know you're not the guy in your avatar. I already told you but when I see your posts I think of that pic