happy birthday to.....

Thrash fiend

Apr 21, 2005
ME!!Yo guys It's my birthday today jsust thought id share this with everyone :hotjump: . At 17 Im still the baby of this board but i can drive now!! Fuck yeah...oh and i saw exodus on sunday in glasgow was anyone else there? quiet crowd but amazing show!
happy birthday dude. yeah i was at exodus, it did seem quite quiet but i was down at the barrier headbanging with my mates. Pity u wouldnt have been able to come up and drink after and meet the band
Jockthrax said:
Happy birthday young man. I had a ticket but couldn't make it cause my fiances pretty ill, glad you had a good time.

Cheers guys.sorry about your fianci that sucks, hope she gets better soon.

oh and walking dude i did meet the band but only briefly (paul bostaph is the shit) but had to go because i had school the next day! By the way i may have been beside you i was right at the front row to...i was beside a bunch of youngish looking guys(late teens early 20's) maybe about 3 of them going as nuts as myself! Fukcin exellent!
Thrash fiend said:
Cheers guys.sorry about your fianci that sucks, hope she gets better soon.

oh and walking dude i did meet the band but only briefly (paul bostaph is the shit) but had to go because i had school the next day! By the way i may have been beside you i was right at the front row to...i was beside a bunch of youngish looking guys(late teens early 20's) maybe about 3 of them going as nuts as myself! Fukcin exellent!

yeah paul was cool. yeah that prob was me. I was down the front with my friends who are all around 20 and we were headbanging the whole way, i was slightly to the right of Jack. I was wearing a a bonded by blood t shirt