Happy Birthday WANDA!


I guess the Tech is the last to know...

Hippo Birdie Two Jews!!

I didn't realize it was at CHCC, that is my regular monitor gig on Sundays. I guess being out of town for a couple of weeks I missed some stuff. I would have brought my son backstage to see some professionals play trombone up close and personal (and maybe cope a tutor out of it :smile: ).

Hope the SCS gig goes well and I will talk to you later. :danceboy:


What??? Have I read correctly that today March 27th is Wanda's Birthday? WOW! That's extra cool......know whyyyyyy :grin:? 'Cuz it's my Birthday too, therefore during the evening festivities I will turn, face westward, lift my glass and wish you a very, very Happy Birthday Miss Ortiz. ROCK ON WOMAN and everybody......let's hear it for the Arieeeeees! :rock: :kickass: :)

How cool is that? Happy Birthday back atcha!!:kickass:
HAPPY BEALTED B-DAY (I wasn't online yesterday)!!!!!

And a belated thanx to throwing me the Maidensized Powerslave button at the Second Wind show!!!

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: