Happy birthday Brent!
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, BIRTHDAY!!! That's triple your wishes and spankings too!! :kickass:

Thanks sweetie! And thanks everyone else! UMOS kicks ass! :kickass: :headbang: Oh, and no spankings!

I doubt it's too happy of birthday. His Broncos got their asses handed to them by Detroit Lions. Sorry, buddy! Congrats on living another year though!

Thanks! Yeah, I've already given up on the season, for the most part. I never, ever really give up, but you know. As if I wasn't glutton enough, I'm going to see them play in KC next weekend. Narco ought to be happy with his Lions though.
Happy BDay (yesterday)! Understood about giving up on the Football season. There's always hockey and basketball.

Hope you enjoyed!
Steve in Philly
Wow, this forum is much more relaxed than the GM forums.

That's our intention, we like people to come for intelligent discussion and fun. We quickly dispose of those to come here to brawl or post with the IQ of...

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