Happy Birthday Wicked Child!

Hey thats GREAT!!! Happy birthday buddy! 20? I hope you have a fantastic day with lots of presents, good sex and some alcohol or sumpthing :tickled:

Have a good one now, and stop stressing, things are going to work out just fine, remeber you're a rocker and a fuckin' legend :kickass:
awesome, happy birthday Nick, hope your day is filled with beer, tits, and most importantly....METAL :D rock on dude, and here's a little tip that'll make your birthday a great one...

Crank the Metal up 'til your neighbors' ears bleed :headbang:
#1_Droogie said:
awesome, happy birthday Nick, hope your day is filled with beer, tits, and most importantly....METAL :D rock on dude, and here's a little tip that'll make your birthday a great one...

That non-alcoholic beer for the 20th birthday, right? ;)
wdiv said:
That non-alcoholic beer for the 20th birthday, right? ;)

Not in here, alcohol is legal since 18. So drink on!
Hawk said:
Perhaps Nick is too drunk to find his second home on the Internet ? ;)

Not drunk yet! That's on Friday! I have my interview for my on-air shift at the college station tomorrow, so i can't afford to be drunk tonight. Friday my friend Kenny is throwing me a party, and the booze will flow. Today was just kickin' it with the buddies and eating at Hooters. :D

Thank you all for your best wishes, i really appreciate it.:)

And JD! Second year in a row YOU post a thread for my birthday! You're fast!
#1_Droogie said:
awesome, happy birthday Nick, hope your day is filled with beer, tits, and most importantly....METAL :D rock on dude, and here's a little tip that'll make your birthday a great one...

Crank the Metal up 'til your neighbors' ears bleed :headbang:

I didn't crank the metal today. Instead, i cranked some classic punk rock. My friend Kenny bought me the Misfits Collection 1 for my birthday, so it's been all Misfits today. No, i take that back! My friend Kyle wanted to hear Sanctuary, so i cranked that! See? Metal WAS cranked up today! :headbang:
Thats way cool Nick! Sanctuary RULE!!! I just started to play their first album. Great to hear you had a cool day. Out here the wind is freezing so here in Holland everyone has a cool day. :loco:

"An army of vengeance invading from the sky..."

Hey Droogie you know this album? It was produced by MegaDave!!