Happy Birthday!

:yell: Jättegrattis med mycket godismack! (Även om 31 är rätt en meningslös ålder...:loco: )
Vi syns på söndag. Då ska det rockas hårt. Jag bjuder på kebaben:Spam: som sen födelsedagspresent...
Jim LotFP said:
2 years older than me... fogey. ;)

Liar!! You're going to turn 30 this year, so he's 1 (!!!!) year older than you. If he's a fogey, so are you....:)

Anyways, I'm a bit late with this, but Happy birthday Dan! I hope it was a good one.

Jag hoppas på en eller två konserter i Finland någon gång inom en snar framtid... :)

Enkeli said:
Liar!! You're going to turn 30 this year, so he's 1 (!!!!) year older than you. If he's a fogey, so are you....:)

I'm not 30 for another 9 months... ptbtbtbbtbt. Stop hijacking threads!

*has been listening to Nightingale the past three days nonstop anyway*
*aw* Villain is back! *hugs Villain!* :)

Though I have already congratulated in mail, now I feel tempted to say "happy birthday" here again, just because it´s so nice that this thread exists :)