Happy Birthday

Yet time for another birthday cake

Heavy birthday Blackspirit, hope you have a great day!
damn, i'm late but i was first on HMAS!!

Awwwww guys (and gals, trying to be politically correct
and all that)!!!! :eek:)

You have no idea! I keep getting messages all over the
place today! Feels great! This is the kind of thing you
don't expect! :eek:)

And The Nomad: That was way cute as my bithday had
ALMOST started here when I read that! So, you were the
first one this year! >:eek:) Nice! :eek:)

But everyone; Thank you thank you thank you! :eek:)))

*Grouphug* Join in if yee like, and the ones who can't
stand human contact can headbang in the background
or something! >:eek:))) \,,/

Yay! >:eek:) You people are all too cool! :eek:)
Eh I'm to laaaate :cry: But nevertheless happy birthday suppleymently (?) Blackspirit. (Wasn't you the first one the gratulated me to my birthday some days ago.I'm ashamed *s*)