Happy Birthday!!!

Thanks cora ;-) i had a birthday present on monday already... my car didn´t want to work, now its in the garage... hope it wants to move tommorow ;-)

today was a nice day... "Heavy Thursday" (i know, bad translation) quite alcoholic...

I really should put all of these guys on my own birthday calendar, I keep forgetting the exact dates!!! :rolleyes:

Mailänder's birthday was March 12th and Dieter's was March 15th!

See ya at the Rock Hard fest (finally again)!
Time for the february birthdays!! Man..... we really need more birthday wishes in here, I can see last year's wishes for the same people on this same page! :o

Anyway.............. all the best for Mille who's birthday was on the 15th and to Andy who's birthday is in a few days, on the 20th!!! Hope all is well and you had or will have a great day!
Heavy Happy Birthday, congratulations and all the best to Andy!
Luckily theres no birthyear in your biography so we don´t have to worry SCNR ;-)
Thanks for that! Had miserable physical conditions to celebrate it the right way, hope to loose my cold in the next days...
hey guys, we should use this thread more often!! My birthday is September 21st *hint* *hint* hahaha!

But today's that time of year again.... TODDE'S BIRTYDAY!!!

