happy departure day to the dead stranger on the highway...

neal said:
but yeh. death is a sad thing becuase im afraid this is all we get. nothing before and nothing after. BOOM along came a car and that dude lost everything he had and everything he was ever going to have. it sucks.
Look at it this way... It's better to get hit by a car and die, than grow old, become incapacitated and lie on a bed all day wetting and shitting yourself with nothing to do but watch tv. I wouldn't want to kill myself, but if I was to die of something sudden like getting hit by a car, I wouldn't really mind. You're given life only to have it taken away from you. Pretty pointless I think. In anycase, there are far more important things in the universe than our lives. "In a somewhat greater perspective of time You are practically non-existent."
then again, if you think that you are ever-existant, transforming and travelling, then this is only a bus station.... you get on the bus that takes you to some other place. further...
It takes place after your death too. It's probably called afterlife cause it sounds more cheerful than afterdeath and gives those who believe in it something to look forward to.
why would one want to look forward to something that's constant, something that one's always had and always will have, in different forms? ...according to the laws of physics. it's another thing that human brain is so limited in its ability to perceive and understand.