Happy Friday!

Wrong thread for your first world problems. Here's a ROR for you!

arg. people just wanna be miserable and obnoxiously self-important today.

started the day by getting bitched at by some dour old codger for not being respectful in the face of his dour old codger-ness

last half hour of my shift was just a shitstorm of retardation including the most obnoxious, miserable over the age of 21 who i've ever met. there's a very long and VERY stupid story about her talking to the store manager to complain about some problem we gave her which i can barely even comprehend - but it pisses me off too fucking much for me to really tell coherently.

don't shit down a good thread! :mad:
Kevin, you had me with, Hamster on a piano

That was so cute, I could not pay attention to the UFC! :tickled:

My great Friday news is that the whole week is mine until next Sunday! YAY! good times! :kickass:

Happy Friday everyone!
i dunno wtf is wrong with me but i went to sleep and then just woke up still deeply bothered by that woman and her shitty treatment of anyone remotely compassionate or acquiescent who tries to stand up for themselves because i've dealt with people like that before and they are just so predatory and self-important and just fucking want to destroy people who they know won't fight back and it fucking disgusts me and just makes me feel really bad about the human race.